Memorize Bible: 20 Ways to Learn Scriptures by Heart!

Memorize Bible: 20 Ways to Learn Scriptures by Heart!

To memorize Bible means quoting the word of God for the benefit of yourself or people around you without opening the Bible.

This powerful act does not have a thumb rule on how to learn it perfectly because our ability to memorize bible is not the same. But today’s message highlights many practical steps that could help you learn scriptures by heart. I would also share the powerful benefits with you!

I would love to share the testimony of Rebecca Moffitt related to memorizing the Bible:

“The miracle is what happened (and is still happening) in my mind. It’s like the links of my chains began to fall off, one at a time. Where I used to worry, I have peace. Previously I used to be suspicious, but now I have certainty that all is well. Before, I used to dwell on my stronghold, but now forget to think about it.

Verses like, “…But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed,” (that was me!) and, “…Humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you,” began living and working within me!

I have an amazing new weapon in this battle. The memorization worked to occupy my mind when I replaced those negative thoughts with my daily scripture.  James says, “…Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin…” 

Well, desire didn’t have a chance to conceive when I had my weapon, “The Sword of The Spirit,” at hand and was willing to use it. I’m an analyser (can’t you tell?) so I don’t want to overanalyse how this process began freeing me in a way I’ve never been free before, but God was answering my prayer and showing me the power of “His perfect word that gives freedom.” “ 

20 Helpful Steps to Memorize Bible Verses!

1. Have confidence that your memory size of about 2.5 million gigabytes can store the verses you intend to keep.

2. Pray to the LORD to Bless your efforts.

3. Start memorization with short verses.

4. Memorize Bible verses that are relevant to what you are going through now.

5. Write down the verses many times until you miss no word anymore.

6. Mention some part if not all the scriptures you intend to memorize during your prayers to the LORD.

7. Turn off all media and recite the bible verses aloud!

8. Paste the memory verses on the wall, in your car, laundry, computer background and put the cards in your pocket.

9. If you are talented in music then memorize the scriptural verses by singing it.

10. If you choose to memorize bible verses thirty minutes daily, then do it in a quiet place without any form of distraction.

11. Understand the context and content of the bible verses. So, check dictionary or commentaries if necessary.

12. Start memorization of the keywords in the bible verse and very soon the complete verse would be stored properly to your brain.

13. Avoid stress and anxiety. You can’t easily remember your memory verses if you are tensed.

14. Long verse is best memorized bit by bit.

15. Listen to the audio bible of the verses often and it would help you speed up memorization.

16. The use of good Bible memory app can help you memorize bible verses easily.

17. Read the verse aloud twenty times, then speak the verse from memory ten times. And repeat process for fifteen minutes.

18. Envision the bible verses you want to memorize in your mind. The visual capture in your heart is a powerful feature.

19. Memorize Bible verses with your people at the family altar.

20. Review every memorized scripture once in a while.

10 Benefits of Bible Memorization

1. It gives you victorious response to evil thoughts that troubles your heart.

2. You would have boldness to respond to misleading arguments by false pastors, fake prophets, atheists and new age movement.

3. When you memorize Bible, you speak to sickness by faith and healing comes.

4. You stand to benefit spectacular deliverance during spiritual attack!

5. Memorized Bible verses strengthen your faith during the unexpected events of life.

6. It helps you to overcome temptations and you won’t be slave to sin.

7. You would always remember God’s commandments which makes you closer to Heaven.

8. Memorized Bible verses would help you to live a Christ-like life.

9. You can easily preach where holding the Bible is a crime.

10. Scriptural memorization speeds up your spiritual maturity.

It is a wise action to memorize Bible verses, so I recommend the steps above. Choose the ones that suits you and repeat the process regularly.

I would love to say at this point that I don’t dispute the fact that there are some cases where the Holy Spirit could help you remember the scriptures without your effort of memorization.

Please, this act is not meant for show-off or to impress anyone. Scriptural memorization is to help you and your neighbour for the glory of the LORD.

Dead to Sin; 7 Steps to Live a Sinless Life!

Dead to Sin; 7 Steps to Live a Sinless Life!

Dead to sin means that your soul is not controlled by the influence of sinful demons. It is a status of freedom from the bondage of sin.

We are surrounded by sins! Iniquities in the government, society and in many churches controlled by false Pastors or Prophets. I was confused when some leaders who were expected to uphold righteousness told me that no one can be free from sin. Dead to sin looks impossible!

However, God hates sin and does not want us to perish inside the stronghold of sin. He sent Jesus Christ to the world for the last Blood sacrifice to deliver us from the bondage of sin. Can Jesus make you dead to sin?

Today’s message explains the basic steps to take for a sinless life.

7 Ways to Become Dead to Sin

1. Marry the Bible

Going to church, participating in doctrinal rites, pumping your money to pastor for godly forgiveness or rendering service for the progress of the Gospel does not make you dead to sin. The secret code is reading and understanding the Word of God.

2. Make Covenant of Obedience

You cannot be dead to sin if you don’t make covenant with the LORD to obey every word and every instruction from HIM. Your absolute readiness to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ is a strong step.

3. Invite the Holy Spirit

Having confess your sins and choose to give all your life to the LORD to control, the next step is to invite the Spirit of GOD to dwell in you permanently. He releases Power of Holiness to you every time you encounter temptation and you’ll become dead to sin.

4. Don’t Copy the World

Be bold to say ‘No’ to all the popular non-scriptural practices going on in the church and around you. Raise a red card to anyone or any technology that could influence you to live a lukewarm life.

“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:19)

5. Always Ask Yourself

You’ll become dead to sin if you cultivate the lifestyle of asking yourself this question: ‘If Jesus Christ is presently in my situation, what will He do?’ Jesus Christ is in you to give the quick answer and His response will surely make you sinless.

“Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” (John 14:23)

6. Offer Your Body as a Living Sacrifice

Many people could not be sinless because they don’t want any short-term pains or sufferings but they want to enjoy all the worldly deceptive entertainment and acquire wealth and fame by all means.

“For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.” (1 Peter 3:17)

7. Timeless Worship

Jesus was dead to sin when on earth because He worship the LORD every day and night. Sin could not have its way into heaven because the angels worship the LORD regularly. Always worship the LORD steadily in your heart and you’ll become sinless.


If the LORD told me to preach to the world that HE would forgive any sin provided the sinner is ready to follow HIM, then I believe GOD is not happy seeing anyone in sin. I follow the steps above and I have testimonies every day!

I urge you to follow the powerful ways above and you would surely be dead to sin.              

Gifts of the Holy Spirit; What are the Gifts from the LORD?

Gifts of the Holy Spirit; What are the Gifts from the LORD?

Gifts of the Holy Spirit are divine attributes given to you as a reward for giving your life to the LORD through Jesus Christ. Every child of God is given the gift but not all knows about this reward and its usage!

Today’s message highlights some of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and its usefulness.

13 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The most popular number of gifts is nine as mentioned in some verses in the twelfth chapter of the first letter written by Paul to the church in Corinth. The Holy Spirit have many spiritual gifts but the popular ones known to us include:

1. The Word of Knowledge

Christians with this gift might be illiterate but would be a teacher to the professors. Always filled with insights on how problems can be solved. Ability to interpret scriptures according to the mind of the LORD. Such people can invent and innovate!

2. Word of Wisdom

Ability to solve complicated issues. Brilliant intelligence beyond human reasoning to offer solutions. The key that opens the great doors of blessings and victory.

3. Gift of Prophecy

If you always receive specific messages from the LORD to someone, group of people, the nation or the world, then you have the gift of prophecy.

4. The Gift of Faith

All Christians are expected to have faith but this gift is a supernatural addition to the benefactor for urgent prayers to be answered. For example; Jesus, his disciples and the sick boy.

5. Gift of Healings

It’s a helpful gift during evangelism. It made the ministry of Jesus to spread very fast. No ailment is incurable!

6. The Working of Miracles

This gift of the Holy Spirit tumbles the natural conditions to a spectacular status. For example; Jesus raised Lazarus from the death.

7. Discerning of Spirits

It is the divine ability to differentiate the presence and action of demonic spirits and the Spirit of GOD.

8. Gift of Tongues

If you have this gift, then you would speak language of another tribe you have never learnt before. For example, the apostles speaking foreign languages.

9. Interpretation of Tongues

A rear gift that gives the audience the understanding of a foreign language.

10. The Gift of Helps

If you have this gift then you would always pay sacrifices than others. For instance; the women helping Jesus’ ministry.

11. Gift of Administrations

You would be exceptionally excellent in planning and execution of order.

12. Dream is a Spiritual Gift

When you notice that your dreams always come to pass then that is your gift from the Holy Spirit.

13. Vision is a Gift

If you don’t necessarily sleep before seeing events (not created by your imagination) which later come to pass, then you are blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Bible Verses of Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Joel chapter 2 verse 28: “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.”

First Corinthians chapter 12: “…But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit… “

“To another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues…”

“And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.”

What is the Purpose of the Spiritual Gifts?

1. To avoid the church from stumbling into the traps of the dark powers.

2. Gifts of the Holy Spirit save Christians from acting foolishly!

3. Spiritual gifts bridge the gap between GOD and His children.

4. It helps you to stay consistent in righteousness as you drive the rough route to heaven.

5. No more bondage to the powers of sickness – Hallelujah!

6. Gifts of the Holy Spirit changes unfavourable situations to joyful circumstances.

7. The Devil cannot successfully deceive you by camouflaging as an angel of light.

8. Don’t be afraid to take the Gospel to a strange land because you either speak in their tongue or an interpreter of tongues is waiting for you.

9. Nothing would ever happen in your life without a previous clue

10. No false prophets can either deceive or dupe you!

The gifts of the Holy Spirit come from the LORD only. Paul advised the Corinthians to earnestly desire the best gifts, but don’t be shocked if GOD does not give you according to your desire. HE knows the best for you and all gifts from the Holy Spirit is best for the right application.

Your spiritual gifts are not meant for boasting or for selfish gains. They are given to you to help people around you to know more about GOD and His Goodness.  

Happy Marriage: 20 Secrets of Happy Christian Home

Happy Marriage: 20 Secrets of Happy Christian Home

Happy marriage for Christian couples is not free of challenge but the beauty of agape love is the string that pulls the joy for the couples.

It is a serious concern to me to minister the helpful steps to take for Christian couples to enjoy a happy marriage because countries keeping marriage statistics shows a red alert. Some youths are scared of marriage due to the fear of sad experience.

For instance, the Census Bureau’s 2017 American Community Survey recorded decline in the U.S. divorce rate during the 21st Century.

“In 2000, 4.0 out of every 1,000 Americans got divorced. By 2017, the divorce rate had dropped to 2.9 per 1,000 people.

The decline in divorce rate is no doubt tied to the decrease in the marriage rate. In 2000, 8.2 Americans were married for every 1,000 people. By 2017, only 6.9 Americans for every 1,000 people were married.”

20 Helpful Ways to Enjoy a Happy Marriage

1. Love the LORD and your spouse unconditionally

2. Don’t resurrect the dead mistakes of your past

3. Sustain a family altar in your home

4. Share and Meditate the Word of God together every day

5. Respectfully tell your spouse the truth in all circumstances

6. Exercise high level of patience when your partner is impatient

7. Understand the strength and weakness of your spouse

8. Lustful temptation would surely come; flee and avoid excuse to the guilt

9. Create time to share funny moment with your spouse

10. Do things together at home

11. Pass your night together on the same bed and not separate rooms

12. Happy marriage requires a healthy sexual relationship, so please do your best to satisfy your spouse. It’s a strong course!

13. Resolve your differences in your room and not in the midst of in-laws and friends

14. Each spouse needs to agree on using the Word of God in the Bible as the ‘conflict resolution tool’!

15. God hates divorce! So, don’t think about it. It’s not a solution

16. Hot critics and nagging cannot yield a happy marriage; speak softly and always take a deep breath during tough conversation

17. It is wise for you and your spouse to always agree on the financials

18. Train your children together with the word of God and make your lifestyle a holy role model

19. Forgive your spouse seventy times seven times daily

20. Go out together and witness the Good News to people and the LORD would reward both of you.

Happy marriage is achievable if you follow the steps above. It’s my manual working well for me. Lay the foundation of your marriage on the word of God and not on the corrupt culture of the world. You would enjoy your peaceful marriage if you endure and get yourself disciplined.  

God’s Desire: 7 Steps to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

God’s Desire: 7 Steps to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

Not knowing God’s desire for one’s life may look like a pilot in the air without a clear signal from the tower control team.

The knowledge of God’s desire for your life would help you achieve great targets and it avoids wasting of precious time. Today’s message highlights the simple steps to take to know God’s will for your life every day.

7 Powerful Steps to Know God’s desire for Your Life

1. Do a thorough Reconciliation with the LORD

You won’t get a clear signal from the LORD if your life has one or two active sins around. Shed all the sinful weight through the Blood of Jesus and you would understand God’s desire.

2. Readiness to Release Your Desires

From my experience with the LORD, His wonderful will for me is not always the same design with my personal desires. If you want to understand God’s plan then drop your personal wishes.

3. Build Relationship with the LORD

Fall in love with the commandments of God given through Jesus Christ. Don’t consider God to be a faraway Giver or a Sunday service Coordinator. Love Him every day with all your heart and you would know God’s will for you.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him,” ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:36-37)

4. Faithful Prayers Reveals God’s Will

List your requests before the LORD and ask for His direction. Do this with a heart full of faith and in an environment free of distraction. You may not hear from the LORD if your heart is full of bias.

5. Biblical Meditation is a Top Secret

The word of GOD in the Bible is perfect for all circumstances in life. Read and digest in a quiet atmosphere. The Holy Spirit in you would minister God’s desire related to the issue you are going through.

6. Have zero tolerance for Disobedience

GOD does not reveal His plan to a child that loves disobedience. Obey His will today and He reveals another plan to you tomorrow. The LORD can reveal the future to you if you are a trusted and obedient child.

7. Wait Patiently

GOD is neither a robot nor a magician but He is Sovereign. If you follow the steps above and no instant response, then wait patiently with a trustful heart because He might want to test your sincerity. The LORD would surely respond!

The knowledge of God’s desire for your life can be discovered through obedience, holiness and patience. Stay calm in the LORD and don’t be distracted by the false prophet around you. God Bless you.