10 Habits That Separate the Holy Spirit from Your Life

10 Habits That Separate the Holy Spirit from Your Life

The Holy Spirit is your Guide, Comforter, and source of Power. But certain habits can separate the Holy Spirit from you. Don’t forget that Holy Spirit is not a different person but the Spirit of One and Only GOD. Your life can’t be successful without the counsel of Holy Spirit.

Today’s message will uncover ten actions that can push the Holy Spirit away and how you can avoid the disaster.

10 Actions that Separate the Holy Spirit from You

1. Ignoring Quiet Time

Neglecting prayer disconnects you from the Holy Spirit’s guidance and peace. Don’t allow distractions from friends, social media and debauchery of this life to make you so tired that you have no time for spiritual fellowship with the LORD.

Colossians chapter 4 verse 2 says: “Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.”
2. Gossip and negative talk

Your negative speech grieves the Holy Spirit. If you always curse in your speech and talk carelessly then that can easily separate the Holy Spirit from you.

Ephesians chapter 4 verse 29 says: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”
3. Holding on to Unforgiveness

Harboring grudges separate the Holy Spirit from your life. So, don’t go to sleep without resolving conflicts that hurt you.

Mark chapter 11 verse 25 says: “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.”

4. Living in Fear

The Holy Spirit does not dwell in an atmosphere controlled by fear. When fear comes then it is time to strengthen your faith through spiritual connection to the Holy Spirit.

Second Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 says: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
5. Neglecting God’s word

Skipping scripture keeps you from hearing the silent voice of the Holy Spirit. And refusal to read bible steadily and meditating the word of GOD can separate the Holy Spirit from you.

Proverbs chapter 6 verse 23 says: “For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”
6. Pride and Self-reliance

Pride pushes the Holy Spirit away from you while humility invites His presence. Don’t be carried away by your wealth, position, power or technological devices you acquire.

Proverbs chapter 11 verse 2 says: “When pride comes, then comes shame; but with the humble is wisdom.”
7. Persisting in sin

Choosing sin over holiness easily separate the Holy Spirit from you. I am aware of the false teachings of ‘eternal security’ which encourages Christians to sin with the logic that only accepting Jesus Christ as Savior will take us to heaven. Please, don’t be deceived by the false pastors and prophets!

Isaiah chapter 63 verse 10 says: “But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; So, He turned Himself against them as an enemy, and He fought against them.”
8. Ignoring Conviction

Ignoring the Holy Spirit’s gentle nudges can lead to a hardened heart. The Holy Spirit will leave you when you fail to yield to repeated corrections.

John chapter 16 verse 8 says: “And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.”

9. Spiritual Laziness

Being complacent in your faith weakens your connection to the Holy Spirit. You must uphold your spiritual discipline every day and ensure your body, soul and spirit are under the control of the LORD.

Revelation chapter 3 verse 16: “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

10. Loving the world more than GOD

Prioritizing worldly things over GOD separate the Holy Spirit from you. Be careful of the popular culture of the world lingering in the church too such as tattoos, make-up, lgtb, seductive wear, witchcraft and technological innovations that could take your heart away from the LORD. 

First John chapter 2 verse 15 says: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”


The Holy Spirit desires to dwell in your heart, guiding, comforting, and empowering you. By avoiding these habits and seeking His presence, you can live a life filled with His peace and power.

10 Dark Secrets of the World Christians Must Know!

10 Dark Secrets of the World Christians Must Know!

Dark secrets of the world are dangerous desires of the Devil that are carefully presented to Christians in a harmless and attractive style. It is almost impossible to reject the sweet ‘hotdog bread’ offered by the world! Devil’s dark secrets of the world are to distract you from seeking the LORD and to take away the holy commandments of GOD from your heart.

Today’s message will explain the dark secrets of the world embedded in many activities done by the Christians and to open your eyes to know the limit you should not exceed when engaged in such activities. Many points below may sound unbelievable, but it is the truth! 

10 Dark Secrets of the World You Must Take Seriously

1. Dark Secret About Sport

Sport is one of the dark secrets of the world all Christians should watch carefully. The medical science made us to believe that exercise is good for the body, so we are encouraged to do sport to make our body fit and healthy – that’s a good reason!

The Dark Secrets Include:

  1. Act of betting: sport betting made many to be under the bondage of debt. Gambling leads to depression, poverty and suicide.
  2. Immoral Appearances: It is an opportunity to portray a seductive look through the so-called sportswear.
  3. Spirit of Fighting: Devil uses sports to cause hatred and fights among the competitors that lead to conflict.
  4. Encourages Occultism: Many sport professionals are occultic because the Devil lure them to use dark powers to achieve fame and success.
  5. Time Eater: Sport takes away a lot of time such that you might not have time to pray or study the Bible.

There is no sin creating time for yourself to exercise but there is a big danger if you don’t have a limit to sport. So, be careful and don’t get entangled in the dark secrets above.

2. Dark Secrets About Music

Music is the soul of life, and no one will argue the significance of music to your well-being. The Devil also use the power of music as one of the dark secrets of the world to distract Christians from the true tune of worship to the Almighty GOD.

The Dark Secrets Include:

  1. Introducing worldly tune to the church: The acceptance of all style of music and dance-steps by the Church diminish the Christian gospel tune that connects you to the Lord while the ‘rocky rapper noisy’ tunes are the order of the day. Chanting in Gospel music which sounds like speaking in tongues is a powerful demonic medium.
  2. Associating with the worldly musical award Presenters: It is the strategy of the Devil to lure Christian musicians to make friends with worldly musicians and copy the corrupt style of music. Unfortunately, Christians receiving such awards violates the instruction of Jesus Christ.
  3. Commercialization of Gospel Music: Love of money was a powerful weapon introduced to the Christians by the Devil, and it was widely acceptable such that we pay musicians after their ministration. And many instrumentalists charge the church for a fee before playing the musical instruments.

Jesus says in the book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 2: “Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.”

3. Dark Secrets About Christian Movies

Watch out for Christian drama or films because it is one of the dark secrets of the world to bind you with spirit of deceit. It was presented to us as entertainment and a medium of ministration, is that true?

The Dark Secret includes:

  1. It gets Christians involved in act of lies disguised as ‘acting drama or shooting films. I stopped acting in drama when the LORD asked me if I could present a divine message of righteousness through a channel of deceit? Please, Christians must understand this secret that narrating a story or parables like Jesus Christ is completely different from acting drama or films. If the latter was righteous then Jesus Christ would have been the greatest film producer on earth.
  2. The Devil strikes many of the Christian actors with evil realities they claimed to have acted as an illustration to the viewers. Also, the demons are successful, afflicting many viewers with unholy fear. Dark powers are successful hitting the Christians because they knew God does not joke and every action done by man is recorded as a true action.
  3. It’s designed to be Timewaster: Do you noticed that the lessons we claimed to have learnt watching a Christian movie does not stick to our heart. It flies away after a short time. So, it is one of the dark secrets of the world to waste our precious time watching movies. The motive is to stop us from having enough time to communicate directly with the LORD.

Paul stressed the point of ministering the word of God with righteous tools as recorded in second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 1 and 2: “Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.”

4. Dark Secret about Technology and AI

The advantages of technological advancement and the discovery of artificial intelligence (AI) are not limited to making our work easier and life to be more comfortable. But are you aware of the plans of the dark powers promoting this new computer era?

The Dark secret includes:

  1. Smart Idols: Devil’s secret is to systematically push the Christians to sorcery and idolatry using robots and advanced machine learning. Payers won’t be presented to the LORD again and all enquiries for every wise action to take will be directed at robotic artificial generative intelligence. Christians should be watchful as you embrace this technology!
  2. The Black box: The inventors of this great technology cannot reveal the true secret of how this science works, and it is referred to as the black box. So, you must be sensitive to this technology which will rule the world because the source of its power is from the dark world. Ensure you give your heart to the LORD daily and not to super AI.

5. Dark Secret About Religion

Religion is formed by people to acknowledge the Superpower and to connect to the Supernatural Being. The thousands of religions on earth are deliberate plan of the Devil to cause great confusion on earth. There is no religion in heaven.

Your close relationship with the Almighty Creator through the knowledge of Jesus Christ is all you need. Religion is one of the dark secrets of this world.

The Dark Secret Include:

  1. Creation of church denominations with conflicting doctrines is the plan of the Devil. Many church leaders drew the attention of their members closer to themselves than to the Almighty God – modern idolatry!
  2. Spirit of mammon controlling the church: Building physical structures called church and the introduction of “financial enterprises” made it easy for Satan to rule the church. I felt very sad when I saw many churches in the UK and US and many developed countries under lock or converted to cafeterias because the spirit of mammon destroyed the congregation.
  3. The dark powers orchestrated the religious practices introduced into the body Christ: some doctrines appear spiritually good at the surface but now it has made many youths of this generation not to believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ anymore because hypocrisy is the order of the day!
  4. Religion is occultic. That is the reason it’s so easy for occultic to attend church services and dictate the success of many events in the church. Majority of churches in our generation are controlled by dark powers presenting many fake miracles and recruiting millions of anti-Christ and false pastors to lead the congregations.

Misconception of the word of God destroyed many hearts because every church member must obey every word preached by their pastors. These are the dark secrets behind the creation of church buildings. The devil would not have won if we all go back to the instructions of Jesus Christ. The church is our heart and not the buildings. 

Paul revealed this secret long ago as recorded in second Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 and 14: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.”                  

6. Dark Secret about Government

The powerful people who are enriched with spiritual powers and great influence on the government are not always seen in public.

The Dark Secret includes:

  1. Steady Legalization of all forms of Abominations to appear nice to the society: People are so happy when the law of the land gives freedom to abortion, lgbt, assisted dying, polyamory, taking away bible from public places etc. 

7. Dark Secret about Worldly Wealth

No one wants to be poor, including me. One of the powerful dark secrets of this world is to lure Christians into shortcuts of making massive wealth through unholy means.

The Dark Secrets include:

  1. Youths are more attracted to the dark web to get rich quickly through electronic frauds.
  2. The big scandal of tithes and offerings misused by pastors to enrich themselves.
  3. Money rituals are presented in a harmless form by asking the victim to join a group or caucus.

8. Dark Secret About Civilization

Civilization is presented to us as actions we do today which are far better than the last century. There is a good part and evil part of civilization that all Christian must watch out for.

The Dark Secrets include:

  1. Dress code across the world tends towards the seduction style and it is generally accepted in the church as well – quite unfortunate!
  2. Disrespectful and abusive slang in our languages.
  3. The good way of life in the past century is replaced with hatred, insecurity, racism in our society. The dark powers rejoice when there is a high rate of murder of war in the world.
  4. Bad culture of the world is replicated in the church under the disguise of “not under the law but under the grace”.

Romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 says: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

9. Dark Secret about Formal Education

One of the powerful dark secrets of this world is the formal education sector. We were made to believe that anyone who didn’t attend school won’t be great in life. Is this the truth? Knowledge is good but the dark side of formal education is terrible.

The Dark Secrets include:

  1. Teaching our children the philosophy that denies the existence of the Almighty God.
  2. Teaching our children that lgbt is not bad and encouraging them to become a free thinker.
  3. Many research laboratories are the demonic centre for the creation of destructive weapons that will destroy the world and it’s also the origin of many microorganisms that cause pandemics on earth.
  4. Education at the surface is good but if you are not sensitive about the bondage it will shorten your lifetime success – can you imagine spending 16 to 20 years schooling without been productive?

10. Dark Secret about Industrialization

Industrialization is good for us, but it encompasses the dark secrets of this world which many people choose not to worry about because the benefits seem to be wonderful. Industrialization takes away organic life from us!

The Dark Secrets include:

  1. They use the outputs recovered from countries that legalize abortion as raw materials for creams and many other products.
  2. They produce massive quantities of chemical drinks that cause cancer.
  3. Production of artificial materials to take our heart away from God’s design from us. For instance, artificial hair, cosmetics, genetically modified foods and fruits, laboratory meat etc.      


The ten dark secrets of this world mentioned above does not mean to scare you as a Christian but to open your eyes to see and understand many things you cannot hear in the church or in the media. You must be very careful with everything you get involved in and make sure that you get the approval of the Holy Spirit before you do anything.

We are currently at the end time era where the level of apostasy is very high. The secret of the devil is to make life comfortable for us so that we won’t have any cause to communicate to God and that will be the biggest separation leading to eternal destruction.

Devil’s Trap: 10 Escape Routes for the Christians!

Devil’s Trap: 10 Escape Routes for the Christians!

Devil’s trap is so diverse that the Christians must be sensitive every moment to identify Satan’s devices. The Devil’s intention every day is to disconnect you from Jehovah, and he wants you to keep falling. Did you notice that the manifestation of the Devil is prominent in this generation?

I am scared with the high rate of disbelief in God’s holiness increasing tremendously. Are you afraid about the stained situation of the church? So do I, but today’s message will guide you on steps to take to sustain your holy relationship with the LORD and get you safe from the devil’s trap.

Why Does the Devil Prioritize Setting Traps for the Christians?

1. Satan is a fallen archangel, and he is so wicked that he wants you to fall as well.

The book of Revelation chapter 12 verse 17 says: “And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

2. The Devil knows his eternal abode, and he wants all humanity to join him in the lake of fire.

The book of Revelation, chapter 21, verse 10, says: “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

3. He foolishly thought having many humans on his side signified winning God as a revenge for the heavenly battle he couldn’t win.

The book of Revelation, chapter 20, verse 15, says: “And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”

12 Devil’s Traps You Must Know and Avoid!

The devil’s trap is three-dimensional targeting the body, soul, and spirit with the intention to separate your cordial relationship with the Almighty God. Watch out for the traps below:

1. When you believe you know too much and nothing new to learn.

2. Giving artificial intelligence more attention than the Holy Spirit.

3. Acquisition of earthly wealth at the expense of helping the poor.

4. Too busy to pray, study the Bible, and meditate daily.

5. Struggling with fearful state of mind without peace.

6. You love to listen to worldly music and movies.

7. Liberal about worldly styles of dressing, make-up, tattoos, and the like.

8. You prefer going to the cinema to sharing the Gospel in the neighborhood.

9. You become comfortable with false doctrines, which are misconceptions of the scriptures.

10. Don’t want to be chastised by the Holy Spirit or by any blunt servant of God.

11. Love to do all things the way you want, not conscious of God’s will.

12. Attempt to trust the evil voice encouraging you to continue active sins because you are in the dispensation of grace!

10 Ways to Escape the Devil’s Trap

1. Do not take the grace of God for granted.

2. Identify the ‘unavoidable’ distractions of the devil in our modern generation.

3. The Holy Spirit should be your best companion and not ‘artificial intelligence’ technology.

4. Always consider the Will of God before taking any decision.

5. Your state of mind must be active with scriptural quotes of God’s Word.

6. Engage with people who want to hear the undiluted truth of the Gospel.

7. You won’t fall into the devil’s trap if you constantly communicate with the LORD every day and night.

8. Don’t love the things of this world.

9. Please stay away from movies or visions that do not glorify God because they are the devil’s trap to capture your mind.

10. Praising God with your heart always and listening to genuine gospel songs secures you from falling into the devil’s deceit.

Anyone can fall into the devil’s trap except Christians who go through spiritual, physical, and mental discipline. You will always escape the deceits of the devil through the power of the salvation of Jesus Christ and your obedience to the instructions of the Almighty YHWH. Stay firm in the LORD!

Deathbed Conversion: The Reality of Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior!

Deathbed Conversion: The Reality of Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior!

Deathbed conversion is a terminology invented by the early Catholics and Anglicans to describe the repentance of someone who has few moments to give up the ghost. Invitation of priests or pastors for such ministration is not usually done without a fat envelope for the minister.

The commercialization of this act made deathbed conversion beliefs acceptable in the Christian community. But the truth is that accepting the doctrine of a deathbed conversion can never make any soul enter the kingdom of God. Today’s message will give a scriptural explanation about the reality of accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior.

The Misconception of Scripture to justify Deathbed Conversion

It is not new that the false teachers always create misconceptions of Bible verses to justify their deceitful doctrines. The teaching about deathbed conversion was only justified by the story of the thief beside Jesus Christ on the cross. The false teachers lied that he repented from his sins and made confession to Jesus Christ, which led to his acceptance into heaven.

Luke chapter 23 verse 39 to 43 says:

“Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save yourself and us.””

“But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?””

“And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.”

“Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.””

“And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.””

1. Verse 39 was the statement of the first thief crucified beside Jesus Christ. His statement reveals his usual arrogant way of getting things he wants from anyone. He desperately wants freedom but doesn’t believe in Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus Christ didn’t respond to him because He had suffered enough mockery for that day.

2. Verse 40 and 41 are the expressions of the second thief on the cross who acknowledged that Jesus Christ was not a criminal.

3. Verse 42 revealed that the second thief was also desperate, but his request was not arrogant like the first thief. He didn’t confess his sins but asked Jesus for an uncommon favor.

4. Jesus’ authoritative response to the second thief was shocking, unexpected, and truly controversial!

5. Jesus’ declaration to the second thief was personal and specific, and Jesus didn’t refer to it as a Christian doctrine.

6. The second thief never confessed his sins on the cross and never went through repentance, but he desperately asked for an uncommon favor, which was granted.

7. That the second thief will be with Jesus in Paradise was a specific conversation to him only and was never a message to be conveyed to the world to encourage deathbed conversion.

Biblical Perspective: Is Deathbed Conversion Realistic?

Don’t fall into the deceit of the devil by postponing your spiritual seriousness with the LORD to your old age or to a few minutes after your passing away!

The following biblical scriptures do not support the theological debate of deathbed conversion:

1. Matthew chapter 7 verse 21 to 23, in which Jesus states, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”

This verse underscores the necessity of genuine, consistent faith and suggests that mere verbal acknowledgment of Christ in one’s final moments may not be sufficient.

2. Hebrews chapter 6 verses 4 to 6, which speaks to the gravity and responsibilities of true faith. According to these verses, “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance.”

This perspective underscores the difficulty of reconciling a sudden, deathbed conversion with the depth of ongoing spiritual commitment that characterizes genuine faith.

3. Luke chapter 13, verses 24 to 27, provides further insights. Here, Jesus warns, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

“When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open for us,’ and He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know you, where you are from,’ “then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’

“But He will say, ‘I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.’””

This parable emphasizes the significant effort required for salvation and the inherent insincerity of last-minute pleas when they lack a lifelong commitment to faith.

Salvation is not merely an endpoint but a transformative journey that involves repentance, renewal, and an ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The juxtaposition of a hurried, deathbed conversion against the biblical call for genuine faith and spiritual relationship questions the authenticity and acceptability of such an eleventh-hour decision.

This subject matter is like the false teaching of “eternal security,” in which the false teachers tell you to just accept Jesus Christ as your savior and you will gain heaven despite any form of lifestyle you persist to live.

Hmm! Don’t be confused. It is not a matter of contradiction, but it is simply the manifestation of unquestionable authority by Jesus Christ, so never copy the act of the favored thief because it will blow you up.

“Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” (Galatians 6:7-8)

Controlled by Demons? 10 Signs to Know Someone Filled with Dark Spirits

Controlled by Demons? 10 Signs to Know Someone Filled with Dark Spirits

Someone controlled by demons does not necessarily run mad and they can act powerfully like a servant of God. Have you wondered how some people act strangely in church? Today’s message explains some signs you need to watch out for to make it easy for you to distinguish the manifestations of evil spirits from the Holy Spirit.

10 Signs that Someone is Controlled by Demons

1. Drastic Personality Changes

One of most alarming signs that someone’s soul may be controlled by demons is the occurrence of drastic personality changes. These changes often manifest suddenly and without a clear explanation, leaving friends and family bewildered by the stark contrast in behavior.

For instance, a person who is typically calm and composed may begin to exhibit extreme aggression, lashing out without provocation. Similarly, an individual known for their cheerful disposition might suddenly become overwhelmed by profound sadness or irrational fear.

These drastic personality changes are distinct from ordinary mood swings or emotional fluctuations that can result from stress, fatigue, or other everyday factors.

2. Unexplained Physical Ailments

One of the more alarming indicators that an individual is controlled by demons is the presence of unexplained physical ailments. These symptoms often manifest as chronic pain, fatigue, or recurring illness that lacks a medical explanation.

It’s crucial to note that these physical ailments should first be thoroughly examined by healthcare professionals to rule out any possible medical conditions. Only after exhaustive medical evaluations fail to provide a diagnosis should one consider the possibility of demonic influence.

3. Love for Religious Materialism

This was common among many prophets and pastors in the Christendom. ‘Powerful’ people controlled by demons always want to use ‘mediums’ during prayers. They want to connect to the ‘supernatural’ through materialism such as candles, water, oil, perfumes, rods, handkerchief, soap, rosary and the likes.

Everyone controlled by demons practices idolatry in a subtle way because they find it impossible to pray and worship God without holding a material or reciting repeated words in the form of speaking in tongues.

I don’t say speaking in tongue is demonic but if no one is interpreting the tongues you better watch out if the languages are from the demonic realms. John warned us to test all spirit!

4. Supernatural Abilities or Knowledge

This ability by someone controlled by demons is very confusing with someone controlled by the Holy Spirit. But don’t be confused because Jesus Christ says that by their fruits you shall know them.

Many false prophets and pastors fall in this category. They can perform many miracles. They can give detailed information about distant events, personal details of strangers, or insights into complex subjects without any prior learning or experience.

But it was under the influence of the demons. A typical example is the magicians performing miracles just as Moses did before the king.

5. Cause Disorderliness in midst of Saints

People controlled by demons are always uncomfortable amid children of God praying or gathering for bible studies. So, they always put up malicious behavior, cause disrespect and all forms of scenarios that could cause chaos in the holy gathering.

Watch out for people who speak in tongues in the gathering without edification causing confusion and disorderliness. It may amaze you that that is the order of the day in many churches today and it is a signal to know the numbers of demon in their midst.

6. Auditory Hallucinations

Hearing voices that others cannot perceive, especially those that command harmful actions, is a strong indication of demonic influence. These voices often instill fear or encourage self-destructive behavior.

7. Visual Hallucinations

Seeing disturbing images or entities that are not visible to others can also be a sign of demonic presence. These visions may be terrifying and persistent, impacting the individual’s mental state.

8. Sudden Changes in Voice

A significant alteration in one’s voice, including speaking in different tones or languages unknown to the person, can signal demonic possession. This change is often accompanied by an aggressive demeanor.

9. Unnatural Physical Strength

Demonstrating strength far beyond normal human capability, especially during episodes of rage or distress, is a classic sign of someone controlled by demons.

10. Seductive and Abuse of Power
Most of them are highly seductive with the motive of polluting the hearts of people. They enslave those who respect them and very selfish and greedy in character.

Jesus Christ says: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves…A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit…Therefore by their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:15-20)

You can identify people controlled by demons through the points I mentioned above, and you have to be watchful so that you can be safe.