Memorize Bible: 20 Ways to Learn Scriptures by Heart!

Memorize Bible: 20 Ways to Learn Scriptures by Heart!

To memorize Bible means quoting the word of God for the benefit of yourself or people around you without opening the Bible.

This powerful act does not have a thumb rule on how to learn it perfectly because our ability to memorize bible is not the same. But today’s message highlights many practical steps that could help you learn scriptures by heart. I would also share the powerful benefits with you!

I would love to share the testimony of Rebecca Moffitt related to memorizing the Bible:

“The miracle is what happened (and is still happening) in my mind. It’s like the links of my chains began to fall off, one at a time. Where I used to worry, I have peace. Previously I used to be suspicious, but now I have certainty that all is well. Before, I used to dwell on my stronghold, but now forget to think about it.

Verses like, “…But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed,” (that was me!) and, “…Humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you,” began living and working within me!

I have an amazing new weapon in this battle. The memorization worked to occupy my mind when I replaced those negative thoughts with my daily scripture.  James says, “…Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin…” 

Well, desire didn’t have a chance to conceive when I had my weapon, “The Sword of The Spirit,” at hand and was willing to use it. I’m an analyser (can’t you tell?) so I don’t want to overanalyse how this process began freeing me in a way I’ve never been free before, but God was answering my prayer and showing me the power of “His perfect word that gives freedom.” “ 

20 Helpful Steps to Memorize Bible Verses!

1. Have confidence that your memory size of about 2.5 million gigabytes can store the verses you intend to keep.

2. Pray to the LORD to Bless your efforts.

3. Start memorization with short verses.

4. Memorize Bible verses that are relevant to what you are going through now.

5. Write down the verses many times until you miss no word anymore.

6. Mention some part if not all the scriptures you intend to memorize during your prayers to the LORD.

7. Turn off all media and recite the bible verses aloud!

8. Paste the memory verses on the wall, in your car, laundry, computer background and put the cards in your pocket.

9. If you are talented in music then memorize the scriptural verses by singing it.

10. If you choose to memorize bible verses thirty minutes daily, then do it in a quiet place without any form of distraction.

11. Understand the context and content of the bible verses. So, check dictionary or commentaries if necessary.

12. Start memorization of the keywords in the bible verse and very soon the complete verse would be stored properly to your brain.

13. Avoid stress and anxiety. You can’t easily remember your memory verses if you are tensed.

14. Long verse is best memorized bit by bit.

15. Listen to the audio bible of the verses often and it would help you speed up memorization.

16. The use of good Bible memory app can help you memorize bible verses easily.

17. Read the verse aloud twenty times, then speak the verse from memory ten times. And repeat process for fifteen minutes.

18. Envision the bible verses you want to memorize in your mind. The visual capture in your heart is a powerful feature.

19. Memorize Bible verses with your people at the family altar.

20. Review every memorized scripture once in a while.

10 Benefits of Bible Memorization

1. It gives you victorious response to evil thoughts that troubles your heart.

2. You would have boldness to respond to misleading arguments by false pastors, fake prophets, atheists and new age movement.

3. When you memorize Bible, you speak to sickness by faith and healing comes.

4. You stand to benefit spectacular deliverance during spiritual attack!

5. Memorized Bible verses strengthen your faith during the unexpected events of life.

6. It helps you to overcome temptations and you won’t be slave to sin.

7. You would always remember God’s commandments which makes you closer to Heaven.

8. Memorized Bible verses would help you to live a Christ-like life.

9. You can easily preach where holding the Bible is a crime.

10. Scriptural memorization speeds up your spiritual maturity.

It is a wise action to memorize Bible verses, so I recommend the steps above. Choose the ones that suits you and repeat the process regularly.

I would love to say at this point that I don’t dispute the fact that there are some cases where the Holy Spirit could help you remember the scriptures without your effort of memorization.

Please, this act is not meant for show-off or to impress anyone. Scriptural memorization is to help you and your neighbour for the glory of the LORD.

God’s Desire: 7 Steps to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

God’s Desire: 7 Steps to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

Not knowing God’s desire for one’s life may look like a pilot in the air without a clear signal from the tower control team.

The knowledge of God’s desire for your life would help you achieve great targets and it avoids wasting of precious time. Today’s message highlights the simple steps to take to know God’s will for your life every day.

7 Powerful Steps to Know God’s desire for Your Life

1. Do a thorough Reconciliation with the LORD

You won’t get a clear signal from the LORD if your life has one or two active sins around. Shed all the sinful weight through the Blood of Jesus and you would understand God’s desire.

2. Readiness to Release Your Desires

From my experience with the LORD, His wonderful will for me is not always the same design with my personal desires. If you want to understand God’s plan then drop your personal wishes.

3. Build Relationship with the LORD

Fall in love with the commandments of God given through Jesus Christ. Don’t consider God to be a faraway Giver or a Sunday service Coordinator. Love Him every day with all your heart and you would know God’s will for you.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him,” ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:36-37)

4. Faithful Prayers Reveals God’s Will

List your requests before the LORD and ask for His direction. Do this with a heart full of faith and in an environment free of distraction. You may not hear from the LORD if your heart is full of bias.

5. Biblical Meditation is a Top Secret

The word of GOD in the Bible is perfect for all circumstances in life. Read and digest in a quiet atmosphere. The Holy Spirit in you would minister God’s desire related to the issue you are going through.

6. Have zero tolerance for Disobedience

GOD does not reveal His plan to a child that loves disobedience. Obey His will today and He reveals another plan to you tomorrow. The LORD can reveal the future to you if you are a trusted and obedient child.

7. Wait Patiently

GOD is neither a robot nor a magician but He is Sovereign. If you follow the steps above and no instant response, then wait patiently with a trustful heart because He might want to test your sincerity. The LORD would surely respond!

The knowledge of God’s desire for your life can be discovered through obedience, holiness and patience. Stay calm in the LORD and don’t be distracted by the false prophet around you. God Bless you.

Meditation: How Christians Should Set their Mind!

Meditation: How Christians Should Set their Mind!

Meditation is good but how you do it determines if it is for GOD’s glory or Devil’s excitement. Christian meditation involves given your sense of thought to the Holy Spirit to unveil spiritual understanding about the word of God and issues of life to you.

Statistics captured from Compare-camp showed that the number of people who practice meditation globally is estimated at 200 to 500 million. But how much of this is done rightly?

According to the survey by Pew Research Centre, the frequency of meditation among Christian (at least once a week) is 45%.

Today’s message explains the dangerous model of meditation and the right path to a fruitful meditation.

What Does it Mean to Meditate?

There are various definitions for this topic by many such as; the Buddhist, New Age movement and health experts. But the common phrase in all definition is the ‘control of the mind’.

Meditation is the act of making your mind to control your spirit and body to achieve a fruitful goal. The power of meditation is massive to your personality, so you have to make sure that the spirit controlling your meditation is Holy and not the demonic one.

6 Major Types of Meditation

I recommend only the Christian meditation as described in the Bible. It has all the benefits you care to enjoy. Scriptural mind-control is the safest! Some meditates include:

1. Spiritual Meditation

It is done among the eastern religions. The use of oils, myrrh and frankincense is not left out.

2. Mantra Meditation

Common among the Buddhist. They use a repetitive word or sound to blank the mind.

3. Focused Meditation

It involves using any of the five senses to concentrate on your internal act such as your breath. You might not know about this until you see your friend staring at a candle flame in silence…

5. Transcendental Meditation 

It is rooted in Hinduism. The occult practice involves silent use of mantra while sitting with the eyes closed. It takes the soul to a spiritual realm.

6. Mindfulness Meditation

This practice is common in the western world though it originates from the Buddhist. It involves paying attention to thoughts without judging or contribution.

7. Movement Meditation

The mind is allowed to wander during yoga, gardening or walking through the silent path.

7 Best Ways to Meditate as a Christian!

It is not a sin to meditate because it was the LORD’s recommendation to His faithful servants.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8)

How to mediate include:

1. Build your faith to take you to the conscious status that the presence of the LORD is with you.

2. Your Mental consciousness must be active and not passive.

3. Christian meditation is done with your mind filled with God’s word and not emptying the mind to state of blankness.

4. You start and end this process with recitation of concerned scriptural verses.

5. To mediate means to listen carefully to the LORD, so choose a silent place.

6. Reflect on the mighty deeds of the LORD and you’ll get a clearer picture of any confusing issue. (Psalm 63:6)

7. Don’t give yourself to deep thought of identifying your inner glory to avoid self-appraisal, but dip your thoughts into God’s revelation through the scriptures.

Better Positions for Meditation

There is no thumb law on the best position to meditate. I could share from my experience that it is best done in a posture that relax your muscles. Positions not limited to; kneeling, sitting, lying or walking.

The best place to meditate is a noiseless area close to nature. You can practice meditation anytime of the day. The LORD advised Joshua to do it both day and night.

Put off your phones and tablets and the only tool needed is your Bible.

10 Benefits of Christian Meditation

1. Close communion with the Holy Spirit

2. You would know God’s voice

3. Renewal of your mind is always guaranteed (Romans 12:2)

4. Acquisition of divine power

5. Your spirit being becomes stronger

6. Nothing happens to you unaware

7. You would see vision and dream dreams

8. Healing and Blessings is certain

9. Devil can’t win any temptation he throws at you

10. Your salvation and relationship with GOD would be consistent forever!

Godly meditation involves the use of scriptures to fill your mind and patiently wait to see how the Holy Spirit would communicate and open your eyes to see and understand the secret of success.

You cannot survive this life without meditation through Jesus Christ, so meditate on the word of Jehovah daily and He would reveal Himself to you in Jesus name.

New Year: How Christian Should Start a New Season!

New Year: How Christian Should Start a New Season!

The beginning of a new year is an opportunity for Christians to check and balance their relationship with the LORD. It is time to seek GOD’s face for a new improved design of another fruitful year.

Today’s message elaborates steps to take in the early part of a new year to gain fruitfulness.

12 Steps to Take as You Start a New Year

1. Give thanks to the LORD for last year and appreciate Him for the new one.

2. Highlight the achievement and shortfalls of last year for better planning.

3. List and present your wonderful wishes for the new year to the LORD.

Proverbs chapter 13 verse 16: “Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool lays open his folly.”

4. Forgive yourself and everyone that offended you.

5. Do a spiritual audit of your life using the scriptures.

6. I recommend the first 7 days of the new year for intensive prayers to seek GOD’s face and to know HIS plan for your life.

First Chronicles chapter 16 verse 11 to 12: “Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face evermore! Remember His marvellous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.

7. List every response from the LORD.

8. Don’t be afraid if you hear nothing after 7 days, the Holy Spirit would communicate as you obey the word of GOD.

9. Sustain your Bible reading plan for the year.

Hebrew chapter 4 verse 12: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

10. Make a list of Bible verses that would improve your spiritual. life.

11. Itemize the things that negatively affect your financials the previous year and seek help to avoid its repetition.

12. Every action that hampered your performance last year must not be repeated in the new year.

7 Bible verses that Helps for a Good Start!

1. Choose to strictly follow GOD

“When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” (Mark 8:34)

2. Put Faith in the LORD and not in the Money

“So, Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

3. Be Hopeful for a better year

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

4. Look to the LORD and not to any person

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills-From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2)

5. Don’t worry about the unknown in the new year

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

6. Don’t dwell in your last year shortfalls

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

7. The determinant of a wonderful year is your choice

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:33-34)


A Guide on a New Year Plan

It goes beyond a thoughtful posture on your couch, so a pen and a paper (or iPad) is essential for a good planning. Many points to write are not limited to the following:

1. Important new decisions to make for the year.

2. Your financial goals and how to achieve them.

3. How to improve your spiritual relationship with the LORD.

4. Mistakes of last year and its corrections for this year.

5. The aspect of your life that needs to change and how to get it done.

6. How you want to be a source of blessings to the poor.

7. Things to do to make the new year better than last year.

8. Identifying the time-wasters of your life and how to curb them.

9. Additional steps to take to improve the bond of your family.

10. How to contribute to the great mission of evangelism.

When you list your points, then you would have the confidence and assurance that the new year would be a great one for you. Present your points to the LORD for guidance and approval. I tried this every year and it works well for me.


A fruitful new year starts with intensive personal planning, presenting the plans to the LORD who has the power of fulfilment and obedience to the guidance of the LORD as the events unfolds every day. I pray that the LORD would make you enjoy this year in a spectacular form in Jesus name.

Horoscope; 10 Reasons to Avoid Astrologers!

Horoscope; 10 Reasons to Avoid Astrologers!

Astrologers use the horoscope as an art of divination to predict your future events or character. They ask for your birthday to relate its position in the sky, sun, moon and planets.

The horoscope originated from the eastern world but it’s becoming popular in our society. Today’s message tells more about astrology and at the end of this article you would know if it is truly for fun or not.

I was shocked when I read this publication: “A survey by Pew Research published in 2018 found that almost one in three adults in the United States believe in astrology.

More than one in four Christians also believe in astrology, including 24 percent of Protestants and 33 percent of Catholics. At 18 percent, evangelicals are tied with agnostics as the second-least-likely group to believe in astrology.

At 34 percent, Protestants are the second-most-likely group to believe in astrology, following those who claim their religion is “nothing in particular” (47 percent).

If you are someone who believes in astrology, please I appeal to you to stop because it is deceitful and unhelpful. The comment below was the experience of a Christian family who indulge in horoscope:

“They’re so funny because they are not true at all! My mom read hers and it told her that she would find the love of her life in a month and to leave the guy she’s with now… my dad laughed pretty hard at that!

But don’t listen to them, they are lying and have nothing to do with God, which is what we Christians want to stay away from!”

Is It Safe for Me to Read Horoscope?

This might be a worrisome question going through your heart now. I have the correct answer for you!

Marcia Montenegro was former professional licensed astrologer who practiced astrology for over 8 years; former President of the Metropolitan Astrological Society, former Chairperson of the Atlanta Board of Astrology Examiners; former teacher of astrology for over 5 years. But, listen to her testimony:

The very roots of astrology are in ancient paganism and worship of the planets as gods, making astrology a true form of “fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness”.

Most astrologers are involved in other forms of occultism and New Age practices such as tarot cards, numerology, belief in reincarnation, having spirit guides, Eastern meditation practices, and so forth.

Thus, reading horoscopes (as well as consulting an astrologer) is to be receptive to something coming from this kind of spiritual worldview.

Being an occult art, astrology is connected to the paranormal powers of the occult.

This paranormal effect manifested for me when I would concentrate on a chart in preparation for a reading or during the session with the client: I would feel a distinct energy flowing between the chart and myself. I called it “tuning into the chart.”

I usually felt guided through the chart, and seemed to know where to go in the chart for information and which information was relevant for the client.”

Marcia’s testimony shows that horoscope is not safe for Christians!

The secret of astrologers is to work on your psyche to believe their prediction and if you do, then it comes to pass.

10 Reasons You Must Stay Away from Horoscope

Astrology is currently enjoying a broad cultural acceptance due to the advent of the personal computer, accelerated with the Internet, and has reached new speeds through social media.

The Devil is doing his best to lure everyone into the end-time destruction, so Christians must know this secret and run away from reading horoscope.

The following points were carefully confirmed to show that astrology is not for you:

1. People who follow their stars are more likely to abandon their commitments and be self-indulgent if they’re predicted to have a bad day.

2. There is divine punishment for those who believe in astrologers.

Isaiah chapter 47 verse 13 and 14 says: “…Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, and the monthly prognosticators stand up and save you from what shall come upon you. Behold, they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them…”

3. Horoscope is usually vague and general in its predictions and can be open to a number of interpretations.

4. Astrology was based on the idea that the earth was the centre of the solar system, but their theory was proved to be wrong in 1543 when Copernicus discovered that the sun is the centre of the solar system.

Hence, the authenticity of horoscope had failed.

5. Three new planets were discovered; Uranus in 1781, Neptune in 1839 and Pluto in 1932, but the astrologers find it difficult to include them to the seven planets on their chart.

Thus, their readings would forever be inaccurate.

6. Their predictions are always untrue. For instance, how could twins born in the same place and at the same time develop widely varying lifestyles?

7. Horoscope looks harmless but it is occultism. It links the clients to the dark world which takes their hearts away from the LORD.

8. Many people who love this divination suffer demonic oppression while some become demonic possessed.

9. If you love horoscope for fun then you are funnily practicing idolatry.

10. Your LORD does not want you to adore the stars, moon or any heavenly bodies. The LORD says:

“…If there is found among you…who has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, either the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded…

…then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wicked thing, and shall stone to death that man or woman with stones.” (Deuteronomy chapter 17)


The cogent points above show that horoscope is inaccurate, occultism, deceitful and idolatry. So, don’t download the application and ignore their enticement on the internet.