Atheists; Atheism – A time-bomb!

Atheists; Atheism – A time-bomb!

Atheism had become a famous belief in the developed countries and very soon it will spread like a wild fire to other continents. Atheists do not believe in the powerful existence of God, heaven or hell because they chose to be free thinkers.

Available statistics reveal a worldwide population of Atheist to be about 750 million. Research showed that Atheists are predominantly male younger than 35 years old, large populace exist in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Europe, Canada and Australia. Is that an indication of inadequate evangelical crusade? The youths of this generation must be ready to close the gate of hell through God’s power and grace!

Three causes of Atheism


Atheism had been in existence before the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ and since such people still exist till today, it shows that the category of this people does not want to be controlled by any form of law or commandments. They do not want to surrender their power of will to God. Jesus had prophesied the popular occurrence of atheism, which every one of us had to fasten our belt. Mt 24:12 ‘’And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold”. (NKJV)

Atheists love to have full control of their decisions and they consider God to be an enemy, therefore, they decided to adopt the belief (empowered by the devil) that there is no God. They love to live a lawless life. You have to dissociate your kids from atheist because you might find it difficult to instill discipline in your kids.


Most Atheists are better educated than some Christians and the wrong conception of science and technology had been an element of atheism.

For instance, a British Physicist Stephen Hawking spoke with El Mundo Newspaper that it was natural to believe God created the universe, but now science offers him more convincing explanation and the discovery of knowledge made him to reject God and pronounce to be an atheist. How I wish he could ask himself the source of his wisdom and knowledge…



Atheism is spreading across the world because a lot of people go through terrible challenges of life which led to confusion and disappointment. It is a pity that some false pastors contributed greatly to this due to their wrong teachings and questionable lifestyles.

For instance, MacBain Teresa stood before the American Atheists convention in March 2012 at Bethesda, Maryland and told the participants who were more than 1,500, “My name is Teresa, I’m a pastor currently serving a Methodist church… at least up to this point… I am an atheist”. Though, the church sacked Teresa but a great havoc had been done to the faith status of a lot of new converts under her ministration. Can you imagine the faithless actions of such ministers in the Christendom?

The Holy Spirit blew the trumpet of warning about this in 2Peter 2:1 ”But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction”. (NKJV)

Two major ways to Preach to Atheists


Since majority of the Atheists are educated, then the bible is not a strange Book. You do not need to quote the Bible to sentence the atheist to death. Their natural rebellious belief detests the commandments of God, so listing the do’s and don’ts in the Bible will only lead to hot argument.

You can use the natural environment as awareness to the handiwork of God, which proofs His existence as the Source of all resources including science. Kindly explain to atheists that the events and word of God in the Bible are real as supported by the Archaeological discovery which gives a consistent proof that records in the Bible really occurred.


One of the hottest arguments by atheists is that if God had been a loving God, He would not have created what is called hell. I patiently explained to them that God’s grace and love in their lives is immeasurable, but He does not compromise His Integrity. Hell was not originally created for human, but for the disobedient beings. Atheist love to do whatever they wish (either good or bad), and do not want to be held responsible.
True love does not encourage indiscipline, and that is the reason God led Jesus to come to this world to teach us the right way to live.


Our God is real, Jehovah is alive, heaven and hell is real. He had given me the privilege to see Him in visions. I proclaim by the authority of the Lord that He is real and powerful. His presence is awesome; the breath in heaven can be described as peaceful. When compared to our breath on earth, it is like squeezing heavy stones through the nose. It would be painful for all atheists to stand before the judgment throne of God before discovering that God truly exist, heaven and hell is not a joke.

I am not comfortable with this trend of atheism. Every Christian should remember that Jesus asked a question in the second part of Luke 18:8… ‘’Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
Jesus told us to spread the gospel to the world. Let us stop restricting ourselves to the four walls of the church every Sunday, but to move out to preach the Good News to those that are sick in spirit so that atheism will not spread like a wild fire in our society.

How can I be wise as serpent?

Jesus Christ was teaching His disciples the right attitude to practice during evangelism “wise as serpent” in the midst of wicked people who shall stand against preaching the power of truth in the gospel when He says: ’’Behold I send you out as a sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpent and harmless as doves’’. (Matthew 10:16 NKJV)

I was wondering how could the wisdom of the serpent that made Eve in the Garden of Eden to lose her physical intimacy with God become the source of power for me to defeat the wicked people. In my sense of interpretation, I thought there was nothing wrong with behaviour such as; deceit, slander and being hostile to any wicked person that might cross my path. But the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit asked me if any evil action could yield a good outcome? I need no one to tell me the answers…

The wisdom of the serpent in the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ is referring to the natural attitude of the animal and not to the devil that used the animal as an instrument in the Garden of Eden. The world holds nearly 3,500 snake species and each display a unique combination of defensive mechanisms and survival strategies. Most of the snake relies on camouflage (hiding) or fleeing from predators as a first point line of defence.

Have you ever met a serpent while walking along a bush path? Huh! It’s not as scary as you thought. When most of the serpent noticed the presence of a potential enemy, they camouflage and run away. That is the wisdom of the serpent the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to imbibe in our rough Christian path of evangelism.

During evangelism in a gathering where you were not given the audience to speak the power of truth according to the word of God, do not embarrass or curse them because you might not find such attitude funny. Jesus want you to be wise as serpent by dusting your feet, dip your hand into your pocket to grab your ignition key – camouflage and run away by obeying the speed limit of the rough road to your house. Another day will be a chance for the poor evangelist.

Jesus Christ had the same encounter when He was denied the access to preach the power of truth in the country of the Gadarenes, because the angry people were not comfortable with the financial loss incurred by the great herd of swine (about two thousand) that got choked in the sea.

If Jesus had not been wise as serpent by asking the man delivered from the demons to stay behind in the town – camouflage, and He ran away to the next village to preach the power of truth, then it is obvious that Jesus would have been stoned to death by the angry people, which would not fulfil His purpose of salvation to the human being (Mark 5:1-21). It was later discovered that the only economist to teach the Gadarenes how to be profitable in animal husbandry is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christians have the obligation to preach the power of truth, but it must be done without pride. Therefore, you need to preach the gospel with wisdom and run away from a place or anyone who rejects your invitation. It is certain that those who reject your preaching will invite you later on for a crusade.