Spiritual Breakthrough: 7 Keys that Open the Golden Door!

Spiritual breakthrough involves gaining freedom over a reoccurring evil attack, getting saved, hearing from God or testimonies to a resolved challenge.

Are you going through an unwanted situation that looks endless in your life? Do you always go through conditions that steal your joy? How difficult is your achievement in life? Don’t worry anymore! I have good news for you, today’s message explains the steps to take for a successful spiritual breakthrough.

7 Powerful Steps to Achieve Spiritual Breakthrough

1. Learn to Always Forgive

I learnt it in a bitter way that if I don’t forgive myself and those who sin against me, then it becomes impossible for me to achieve a breakthrough.

If you allow unforgivable spirit in you, then it has the power to withhold your blessings and your spiritual breakthrough.

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:14-15)

2. Activate Stable Repentance

It is proven that spiritual blessing gets delayed when there is a ‘small sin’ in one’s life. The sin you enjoy so much and you don’t want to part away with is enough to be a big stumbling stone stopping your spiritual breakthrough.

“For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.” (Hebrew 6:4-6)

3. Acquire Accurate Faith

A heart full of bias reduces the speed of blessings like that of the old man with a son suffering from epilepsy. The fastest way to acquire accurate faith is to read many stories of GOD’s actions recorded in the Bible. Don’t share your faith among GOD, human beings, earthly things and gods.

“So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

4. Pray without Complaint

Now that you have acquired accurate faith, you can go ahead to pray to the LORD and your spiritual breakthrough is certain. Imitate the prayer style of Jesus and not the method of the hypocrite.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so, you will be My disciples.” (JOHN 15:7-8)

5. Make Fasting an Additive

If your spiritual breakthrough didn’t arrive at this stage then you need to fast. Jesus told His disciples that some spiritual breakthrough requires prayers and fasting (Mark 9:14-26).

Everyone who fast in the Bible does not go fishing or hunting. Preserve yourself in a secluded place while you pray and fast (to avoid ‘hunger strike’).

6. Secure Your Mind

After prayers and fasting, it is important you secure your heart with the promising word of Jesus Christ in the Bible.

So, read the Bible always and the LORD would tell you the direction to follow towards your spiritual breakthrough. I practised this step and it works great miracles for me.

7. Pull Patience and not Anxiety

Many children of GOD missed their spiritual blessings because they were impatient. They forgot that God’s time is different from theirs, and GOD knows the best time for everyone. Don’t be too speedy to achieve greatness, else you’ll fall into the trap of the Devil who would lure you into his deceitful ‘blessings’.

Listen to Apostle James: “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (James 1:4)


Spiritual breakthrough is certain if you live a faithful life every day. Believe Jehovah as the only source of Divine Power and Authority. Don’t compare your life with others because the LORD knows the best time for you. If you serve the LORD diligently, HE won’t cheat you but would reward you with great spiritual blessings.  

About Ekundayo

I am an evangelist in the vineyard of the Lord since 2000 moving from one place to another to spread the gospel of Jesus.

12 comments on “Spiritual Breakthrough: 7 Keys that Open the Golden Door!

  1. Am a Christian, born again the devil come to steal kill and destroy so thanks for the seven steps I want to grow more in faith,

  2. Congratulations to you David. I am glad for the safe and eternal enjoyment choice you’d made.

    Now, Invite Jesus Christ to come and dwell in you. Read the Bible frequently to know more about God and Jesus which guides you to know the Will of God for your life.

    Make special time available every day for personal fellowship with the LORD.

    Trust me, the Devil will bow for God’s Glory on you.
    I followed the steps above and till today I enjoy spiritual breakthrough and multiple physical and spiritual blessings.

    May the LORD be with you.

  3. You have taken a good decision Isaac. And trust me the LORD would reveal Himself to you. Firstly, separate yourself from worldliness and repent from all iniquities. Then maintain a constant prayer time; calling His name, inviting Him into your heart and home. Read the Holy Bible everyday and meditate on it. Then you would receive His Holy Spirit. His Spirit would be your companion; He would teach you the truth recorded in the Bible and give you the right counsel on how to live your life in holiness. In the process of your obedience to the instructions of the LORD, you would receive Peace, Physical and Spiritual Blessings, Power and Strength. Your name would be written in the Book of Life and your consistent fellowship with the LORD would make you to see GOD, hear from Him and Know more about GOD. I am a living testimony, so if you follow the advice above with your Faithful heart then the LORD would reveal Himself to you. May the LORD help you in Jesus name.

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