Christian Time Management: 15 Major Ways of Achievement!

Christian time management is the art of using wisdom to put time under control for you to achieve physical and spiritual success in all your tasks.

Have you always lamented that twenty hours is too small for your daily events? I complained as well but God won’t add a second? Did you lose sound sleep and fall sick because you have to break the sabbath and work into the night? I do and now I grew grey hairs very fast…

Today’s message would teach you the best Christian time management to follow for successful accomplishment.

15 Major Ways for Successful Christian Time Management

1. The first action every day is to ask GOD to guide and lead you.

2. Make a long list of your events.

3. Rearrange your list according to significant importance.

4. Fix the time to your plans to make it a realistic schedule.

5. You have to be sensitive to the edition by the Holy Spirit.

6. Start working on your daily plans with a focused heart.

7. Distraction is inevitable, so have zero tolerance for fruitless interruption.

8. Social media can steal your precious time so watch you back!

9. Imitate Jesus Christ for bigger project by appointing disciples.

10. Disallow procrastination with all your strength.

11. The act of spiritual discipline is vital for Christian time management.

12. Set your mind positively and work smartly.

13. It is wise to do a real-time update of your diary.

14. Your fair assessment of today helps tomorrow’s improvement.

15. If you take responsibility for your shortfalls then it would help your Christian time management to attain fruitful yield in a hundred-fold.

I love Paul’s advice to the Ephesians when he said: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5: 15-17)

A successful Christian time management is built on the foundation of love and faith in the LORD. So, I recommend you to sustain a firm relationship with the LORD for great achievement of fruitful times on earth.

About Ekundayo

I am an evangelist in the vineyard of the Lord since 2000 moving from one place to another to spread the gospel of Jesus.

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