Is Smoking a Sinful Habit for Christians?

Is Smoking a Sinful Habit for Christians?

Smoking becomes a sinful habit for the Christians when the outcome of the action does not portray righteousness and holiness.

I was tempted by my friends during high school to join in smoking cigarettes. Teenagers are the most sensitive to the mess of smoking.

Today’s message will explain the meaning of sin and the significance of smoking for Christians.

The printed bible we read does not contain all events as mentioned in John chapter 21 verse 25. So, it is dangerous for you to say you will do things not mentioned in the bible.

Sin is simply defined as a wrong action that is not pleasing to the LORD and not beneficial to humanity. If a wrong action is not specifically mentioned in GOD’s commandments in the bible, then does it translate to righteousness?

As we move from generation-to-generation new ‘advance’ sins spring up in our midst which are acceptable by the society, thus such sins won’t appear in the Bible, but the Holy Spirit is here to tell you how wrong they are.

Origin of Smoking

I read on the Wikipedia that the history of tobacco dates to as early as 5000–3000 BC, cultivated in Mesoamerica and South America; consumption later evolved into burning the plant substance.

The practice turned into shamanistic rituals. Ancient civilizations – such as the Babylonians, the Indians, and the Chinese – burnt incense during religious rituals.

Smoking in the Americas had its origins in the incense-burning ceremonies of shamans but was later adopted for pleasure.

Statistics of Smoking

It is in the news that with 1.3 billion smokers in the world nearly 5 trillion cigarettes are consumed each year, contributing to more than 8 million deaths and nearly US $2 trillion in economic damage. And it is pathetic that smoking among young teens ages 13-15 has increased in 63 countries.

Benefits of Smoking

1. The smoking of tobacco and various hallucinogenic drugs was used to achieve trances and to encounter the spirit world.

2. Earlier, the Eastern North American tribes often smoked tobacco in ceremonial pipes, either in sacred ceremonies or to seal bargains.

3. The combination of tobacco plants to other herbs is used for medicine, but smoking has become a social event to derive pleasure.

The benefits of smoking mentioned above by the smokers are occult and harmful to Christians.

Effects of Smoking to the Body

The deadly effect of smoking erodes the idolatry and pleasure derived from smoking:

1. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

2. Causes several types and subtypes of cancers (particularly lung cancer, cancers of the oropharynx, mouth cancer etc.).

3. Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of preventable death.

4. It causes diabetes.

5. Smoking also increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems with the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis.

God’s View About Smoking

1. The origin of smoking was for idolatry purposes. GOD detests idolatry.

“You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.” (Deuteronomy 12:31)

2. Smoking is a social event for deriving pleasure. It does not correlate with the kind of pleasure the LORD wants for us.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Colossians 3:16)

3. The medicinal abuse of the tobacco plant is synonymous with the abuse of alcohol too.

4. The terrible side effects of smoking on your body will never be a joy to the LORD who created you.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)

5. Smoking invites demons into you while it chases away the Spirit of GOD.

7 Powerful Ways to Stop Smoking

1. Do not imitate pastors who smoke because the LORD told me that anointing is different from salvation.

2. Surrender your entire life to the LORD and be ready for godly spiritual discipline.

3. Smoking is an addiction that can be stopped by your determination to obey the Holy Spirit all the time.

4. Read the whole bible with the determination to know more about the LORD you surrender your life to.

5. When the push to smoke comes then pick up your cell phone to talk to a servant of GOD about it.

6. Stay away from your old friends and always chat with good Christians who can help you.

7. Fasting and prayer is a strong spiritual exercise that yields miracle. Denying yourself a stick of cigar is fasting, then do not joke with your sincere prayers to the LORD and you will surely have your deliverance.

Smoking is a sin because it is a wrong concept and not beneficial to you and your neighbors. It separates you from the presence of GOD and exposes you to demonic influences. Tobacco and other smoking substances cause cancer and premature death which are not GOD’s plan for your life.

Christian Wealth: How to Unlock Spiritual and Financial Abundance

Christian Wealth: How to Unlock Spiritual and Financial Abundance

Christian wealth means abundance of both physical and spiritual assets for you and the benefit of your neighbors. In today’s fast-paced and materialistic world, the pursuit of wealth often takes center stage without considering godliness.

In today’s message, I will delve deep into the spiritual principles and practical strategies that can propel you towards financial prosperity while staying true to the Christ-like lifestyle.

I was once poor but now by the special grace of the LORD I am wealthy. So, through insightful teachings, real-life examples, and biblical wisdom, I will teach you how to break free from limiting beliefs, embrace a mindset of abundance, and attract divine favor in your financial endeavors.

Biblical Concept of Abundance

The Bible teaches that God is the ultimate source of all abundance and blessings. It is through His grace and favor that you can experience true wealth in all areas of your lives, including your finances.

However, it’s important to note that abundance in Christianity is not solely defined by material possessions or wealth. It encompasses a holistic approach to life, including spiritual, emotional, and relational richness.

For example; Isaac was very rich during the time of famine because he had a smooth relationship with the LORD.

“Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him.” (Genesis 26:12)

The Importance of Aligning Spiritual and Financial Goals

Your faith should not be separate from your finances but should guide and inform your financial decisions.

When your spiritual and financial goals are in harmony through the counsel of the Holy Spirit, you can experience a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment in your pursuit of the Christian wealth.

Aligning your spiritual and financial goals begins with:

1. Seeking God’s guidance and wisdom through your personal fellowship and not from false prophets and pastors out there.

2. Pray and meditate daily; you will be able to discern His will for your life and finances.

3. Surrender your desires to the LORD and allow Him to direct your paths.

4. When you prioritize God’s kingdom and seek to honor Him with your finances, then you will experience His favor and blessings.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Two Major Biblical Principles for Christian Wealth Creation

1. Stewardship

In the Bible, you are called to be faithful stewards of the resources God has entrusted to you. This means being responsible and wise with our finances, making intentional choices that align with God’s values.

By stewarding your resources well, you can multiply what you have been given and experience an increase in your financial blessings. Read the book of Matthew chapter 25 verse 15 to 28.

2. Sowing and Reaping

This principle teaches you that when you sow generously into evangelism of the Gospel and the needs of others, you will reap a harvest of blessings.

By giving generously, you demonstrate your trust in God’s provision and open the door for the LORD to pour out His abundance upon you.

5 Steps to Unlock Spiritual and Financial Abundance

Unlocking spiritual and financial abundance requires a deliberate and intentional approach. It involves aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with God’s principles for Christian wealth creation.

Here are some practical steps to help you unlock the blessings of both spiritual and material wealth:

1. Renew your mindset

Begin by renewing your mindset and embracing a belief in God’s abundance. Replace limiting beliefs with thoughts of abundance and gratitude. Trust that God wants to bless you abundantly and that He will provide for all your needs.

2. Seek God’s guidance

Make prayer a priority in your financial decisions. Seek God’s wisdom and guidance in every aspect of your financial life, from earning and saving to investing and giving. Trust that He will direct your steps and lead you towards your Christian wealth.

3. Practice wise stewardship

Be a good steward of the resources God has given you. Budget wisely, live within your means, and avoid unnecessary debt. Make intentional choices that align with God’s values and prioritize His kingdom in your financial decisions.

4. Give generously

Cultivate a spirit of generosity and give generously to God’s work and the needs of others. Recognize that giving is a spiritual act that opens the door for God’s blessings to flow into your life. Trust that as you give, you will reap a harvest of abundance.

5. Invest wisely

Seek opportunities for spiritual and financial growth through wise investments. Consult trusted advisors and research investment options that align with your biblical values and goals. Be diligent in your research and prayerful in your decision-making.

Building a Mindset of Abundance and Gratitude

Building a mindset of abundance and gratitude is essential to unlocking spiritual and financial abundance. Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality, so it’s important to cultivate a positive and grateful mindset.

Some practical tips to help you build a mindset of abundance include:

1. Practice gratitude:

Take time each day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Focus on the abundance you already have, whether it’s your health, relationships, or material possessions. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude will attract more blessings into your life.

2. Visualize your goals

Create a clear vision of the abundance you desire to experience in your life. Visualize yourself achieving your financial goals and living a life of abundance. This will help you stay focused and motivated on your journey towards wealth.

3. Affirmations

Use positive affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind. Repeat affirmations such as “I am abundant in every area of my life” or “I attract financial blessings effortlessly.” By consistently affirming these positive statements, you will begin to shift your mindset towards abundance.

4. Surround yourself with positivity

Surround yourself with positive influences that support your mindset of abundance. Seek out like-minded individuals who share your goals and values. Avoid negativity and limit exposure to media that promotes lack and scarcity.

4 Helpful Tips for Progressive Christian Wealth

Managing money in line with Christian values involves making intentional choices that honor God and align with His principles of holiness.

Some practical tips to help you manage your money in a way that reflects your Christian faith include:

1. Budgeting

Create a budget that reflects your financial goals and aligns with your values. Allocate a portion of your income to giving, saving, and investing, in addition to covering your expenses. By budgeting wisely, you can ensure that your Christian wealth is being used in a way that honors God.

2. Avoid debt

Minimize the use of debt and strive to live within your means. Avoid unnecessary borrowing and prioritize paying off any existing debt. By living debt-free, you can experience financial freedom and avoid the stress that comes with debt.

3. Ethical investing

Consider investing in companies and industries that align with your Christian values. Research ethical investment options that prioritize social responsibility and avoid supporting businesses that engage in practices contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

4. Insurance and emergency fund

Protect your financial well-being by having appropriate insurance coverage and building an emergency fund. This will provide a safety net in times of unexpected expenses or loss of income.


Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Then embrace the path to Christian wealth and unlock the full abundance God has in store for you. Trust in His provision, seek His guidance, and experience the blessings of living a life of spiritual and financial abundance.

Lust: 10 Powerful Ways to Overcome Covetousness!

Lust: 10 Powerful Ways to Overcome Covetousness!

Lust is an attractive strong desire to please yourself through an enticement which leads to an abomination. It is the second stage of a temptation that usher into sin.

Covetousness is another way of describing lust and it was in existence since the beginning of human existence. If God hates lust and it hunts after us every day, then how can we please God by defeating this pleasant enemy?

Today’s message would explain the strength of lust and the greater power that can defeat covetousness.

What are the various types of Lust?

The popular description of lust is always related to sexual affairs but there are more issues of life that can be influenced by covetousness such as:

1. Position

2. Properties

3. Money

4. Clothes

5. Jewellery and

6. Gold

The LORD does not want His children to be involved in any form of covetousness. 

“You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour’s.” (Exodus 20:17)

How Does Covetousness Come into One’s Life?

Lust does not happen accidentally, there is always a doorway for its entrance. Some of the source is not limited to:

1. Room for careless thoughts

2. Watching porn

3. Romantic novel or magazine

4. Listening to erotic music

5. Bad influence through friends

6. Self-exaltation

7. Refusal to exercise self-control

8. Spiritual deafness

9. Pride

10. “All satisfaction must be met”.

10 Powerful Ways to Overcome Lust!

Many years ago, I suffered lust for sexual affairs and money. I was like a prisoner who can’t have his freedom, but I thank GOD for His salvation upon my life and I was victorious when I followed the guidelines below:

1. Make a Choice

The first step to your victory is to make the hard choice not to enjoy the lustful life anymore.

2. Meditate the Word of GOD

Sunday sermons alone can never deliver you from lust. Read the Bible every day and night and have a deep understanding of God’s will for your life.

3. Shed Your Weight

Stay away from every thing that would arouse your lust. Discard the romantic materials. Delete all provocative music, images and videos.

4. Say ‘Bye’ to Old Friends

You can’t put a new wine in an old bottle. You would feel the pains but let them go away from your life. If you have no genuine Christian around you, don’t worry, you are not alone because Jesus would stand beside you when you invite Him.

5. Ask GOD for Forgiveness and Repent

The LORD told me that no matter how terrible your sins are, He would forgive you provided you are ready to do His will.

6. Re-write your Brain Programming

I don’t fall into lust like the past because I changed how I consider various thoughts in my heart. The secret is; when the lustful thoughts come, do a complete transfer of the data to the Spirit of God in you to process it and you would be glad that the information would be a victory for you.

7. Live a Prayerful life

Your prayers are not limited to the four walls of your church or home. Learn to pray silently in your heart.

Communicate to GOD all the time because He would teach you the unique steps to take in every peculiar lustful situation you might want to find yourself.

8. Fall in Love with Gospel Music

There are many forms of music out there, but choose the tracks that inspire your souls towards God’s presence.

Both my phone and my deck at home have a storage device that can sing songs for twenty-four hours. I listen to music all the time, so no space for lustful thoughts – Hallelujah!

9. Always Attend Funerals

It’ll remind you that the risk of satisfying a lustful desire is not worthwhile.

“Better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for that is the end of all men; And the living will take it to heart.” (Ecclesiastes 7:2)

10. Love GOD with all Your Heart

If your daily activities show the love of GOD, then it would be impossible for you to lust.


Covetousness is one of the strong attributes of the flesh, but if you crucify your flesh and live in the spirit according to the scriptures then you won’t suffer the bondage of lust anymore. 

Why Me Oh LORD Despite My Closeness to You?

Why Me Oh LORD Despite My Closeness to You?

You might be asking this question ‘why’ me presently due to the tough times you are going through. I also asked and I got an answer!

Today’s message is for the genuine Christians who serve the LORD with all they have, obey His commandments as best as the Spirit of the LORD could help them and they presently go through tough times and unwanted situations. I am sure you would be blessed after reading this script.

You ask why me when unbelievers or ‘unserious Christians’ get things done easily or prosper in their ways faster than you do. You wonder if God is fair…

Is the Media and Church Telling You the Truth?

My friend I want you to be healed from the wound of disappointment. When I asked God why me, HE told me that the media and the church of my generation never told me the truth.

The media gives us the impression that suffering is for the poor, the under-developed countries and for the foolish people only. Majority of the pastors preach on media and in their respective churches that suffering is for those who fail to pay their tithes and offer big offerings to the Lord.

Many pastors spend so much time preaching prosperity and funs about this world and less preaching about endurance and holiness. Prosperity is good but failure to balance the message with inevitable sufferings of Christians gives you a terrible disappointment when you go through unwanted circumstances.

I hardly hear pastors preaching to the congregation that ‘suffering’ is part of a Christian life. Many evangelists tell you that once you give your life to Jesus you would always get all you want from Him… that’s not true! ‘Suffering’ is not a curse; we are always bound to be victorious!     

Jehovah is your loving Father who knows you before you were born. He promised not to fail you. HE would do all things for you such that no man would take HIS Glory upon your life. Please, be calm in the Arms of the LORD.

Proof to Me that ‘Suffering’ is Inevitable for Christians!

Alright, I want you to take it easy with the LORD because the truth about life is that the victorious people on earth must go through good and bad times. You can conquer your hard times through patience and faith in God’s word. I don’t joke with the two advice below:

1. John chapter 16: “…These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”


So, Jesus knew you would go through unwanted circumstances when you give your life to Him. Did you suffer divorce, unemployment, illness or run out of cash when you gave your life to Jesus? Be of good cheers, you would overcome and He would pay you the greatest reward which is Heaven.


2. First Peter chapter 4: “…Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.


“…But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters…Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.

You never saw Jesus face to face on earth but you believed in Him. The disciples saw and believed Him but that could not stop them from going through terrible situations on earth. They ran into financial crisis, persecution by the government, lost their loved ones and many other forms of trouble. They endured the sufferings to the end and now they are enjoying eternity in the paradise.

Are you going through pains of racism, office politics or any form of cheat? Don’t worry, endure to the end and don’t be depressed. 

Did You Ask Why Me When You Pray to the LORD?

I did and after my prayers I was referred to the Israelites’ experience in the land of Egypt.

Despite God’s great promise to take them to the promised land, they partake in the first three signs before God separated them from the fourth signs to the tenth (Exodus chapter 7 and 8).

“…And in that day, I will set apart the land of Goshen, in which My people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there, in order that you may know that I am the LORD in the midst of the land…” (Exodus 8:22)

Yes, it was a disappointment to the Israelites at that moment, but God’s plan was to establish a mark of sign and authority to all inhabitants in the land of Egypt.

The LORD stopped their angry moment after their endurance of the first three signs.

Please, I want you to know that GOD is not weak to save you, but HE understands all situations than any man. Endure your tough times and always make yourself happy in the LORD’s presence.

Going through hard times does not change the fact that He is taking you to your promised land.

At a point I asked why it took GOD ten signs to set the Israelites free? Why didn’t HE do just one miracle and deliver them? And the short response I received was “Patience and Authority”.


Patience; Israelites to learn how to be patient (though they didn’t adopt the lesson)


Authority; God’s plan to destroy their cruel enemies in the red sea.


Don’t give up! It does not take God a day to position you the way you want because HE promised to make you Big and Shine.

The understanding I have about God’s dealing with you is that His speed of action is too slow for your liking but when HE Does His wonderful actions in your life, no one can take the Glory.

I appeal to you to exercise more Patience. The LORD won’t betray you; HE won’t disappoint you; He won’t reject you because no one deals with God and lose.

Since you deal with God regularly, HE would pay you back. He can’t be angry with you as long as you don’t blaspheme. So, HE would act at the Best Time for you.


Am so sorry your calculation and God’s calculation is not integrating. Thus, I appeal to you not to be angry but trust in the LORD who can do all things.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

Don’t allow the devil to steal the joy of your salvation through your worrisome heart. Stop asking why me and focus on your eternal gains in Heaven. May the LORD heal your heart today and make a way for you in Jesus name.

Drug Abuse: 10 Ways for Christians to Overcome Drugs

Drug Abuse: 10 Ways for Christians to Overcome Drugs

Drug abuse is a wrong use of legal or illegal substances. Many Christian youths are exposed to the deceit that drug abuse can make them feel good, ease stress, or avoid reality of challenge. But how helpful is drug abuse?

Today’s message reveals the extent of drug abuse and how the Christian youths can survive the menace.

According to the latest World Drug Report, the non-medical use of drugs is becoming a major threat to public health and law enforcement worldwide with opioids causing the most harm and accounting for 76 per cent of deaths.

The number of people worldwide using drugs at least once a year remained stable in 2016 with around 275 million people, or roughly 5.6 per cent of the global population aged 15-64 years.

Looking at vulnerabilities of various age groups, the report finds that drug use and the associated harm are the highest among young people compared to older people.

The story below freezes my heart:

“Sam Motsay had lots of talent and big plans. A 16-year old honors student in Center Grove, Indiana, he also loved being an athlete and playing tenor sax in his school band. He was really into hiking, fishing, hunting, and gaming. He planned to study finance in college.

One day in May 2014, Sam and a couple of his friends tried what they thought was LSD or acid. Sam went to bed later that evening, and the next morning he didn’t wake up. He didn’t know he had actually taken a synthetic drug called n-bomb (also known as “Smiles”). The drug killed him.”

 10 Effects of Drug Abuse to the Christian Youths

Drug abuse affects the body and mind of the user. This leads to the departure of the Holy Spirit in the life of such Christian. Once the presence of God is out of the drug abuser, the demonic spirit will take over and torment such person to death.

First Corinthians chapter 6 verses 20: “For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

The following effects cannot be over emphasized in the life of any Christian youths that gives-in to drug abuse:

1. Chest and lung pains are common among youths involved in drug abuse.

2. They suffer nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain.

3. Drug abuse leads to impotence.

4. Diseases such as; AIDS, hepatitis B or C spread fast due to needle-sharing.

5. Sicknesses, blackouts and hangovers occur frequently.

6. Youths involved in drug abuse are always selfish, hopeless and aggressive.

7. The drug addicts suffer abnormalities related to; heartbeat, respiration and blood pressure.

8. They suffer loneliness and loss their mind more often.

 9. Drug abuse steals the joy of the youths involved in this act.

10. Drug abuse hurts your sense of fruitfulness, judgment, decision making, memory and ability to learn.

10 Ways to Overcome Drug Abuse

1. Acknowledge the truth that drug abuse can ruin your life.

2. Confess your sins and accept Jesus into your life with all your heart.

3. Drop all your friends that lure you into drug abuse. And delete the contacts of the drug dealers.

4. You need helpful people around you. So, don’t be far away from your godly friends, Pastor and the Therapist.

5. Be patient in the process of your recovery from drug abuse. Don’t give-up on God if there was no instant miracle.

6. Build your faith by reading many chapters of the Bible every day.

7. Frequent Prayers to the Lord will sustain your freedom from drug abuse.

8. When the evil thought comes, always keep your heart busy with the word of God and inspirational gospel songs. Don’t order for the wraps, but go to the groceries!

9. The more you share your testimony to people, the lesser the chance to relapse.

10. Promise yourself every day to be a good ambassador of Jesus Christ and a positive Influence to the youths around you.

Drug abuse is destructive and deadly. Christian youths must stand against this habit despite its social acceptance in the society. You can be saved from any form of drug abuse if you acknowledge the truth that drug abuse can destroy your precious life.