20 Emotional Bible Verses about Love!

20 Emotional Bible Verses about Love!

The significance of reading Bible verses about love is to remind you about the great affectionate of the LORD upon your life. Love is powerful and can heal your ‘wounds’.

Today’s message will show you GOD’s expression of love to you and the right way for you to love GOD and people.

20 Bible Verses about Love

1. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

2. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. (1John 4:7)

3. And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins. (1Peter 4:8)

4. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. (Proverbs 10:12)

5. Let all that you do be done with love. (1Corinthians 16:14)

6. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. (Colossians 3:14)

7. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. (1John 4:18)

8. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. (John 15:13)

9. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (1John 4:8)

10. A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. (John 13:34)

11. But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. (Luke 6:27)

12. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up. (1Corinthians 13:4)

13. The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)

14. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

15. Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. (1John 3:1)

16. For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. (Galatians 5:13)

17. Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart. (1Peter 1:22)

18. These things I command you, that you love one another. (John 15:17)

19. My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but indeed and in truth. (1John 3:18)

20. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. (John 15:9-10)

Recite and meditate on the bible verses about love above and you would gain great inspiration from the LORD.

12 Powerful Ways to Fight the Evil Spirit!

12 Powerful Ways to Fight the Evil Spirit!

To fight the evil spirit means acquisition of a supernatural power that manifests to yield victory both in the spiritual and physical realm of your life.

Please be watchful because all spiritual attacks do not take the form of warfare, some can be gentle, seductive and look good like in the case of Eve in the garden of Eden.

Have you experienced strange noise, unusual body and mind control or terrible nightmares with a bad influence on your physical, emotional or spiritual life? Have you joined the occult to fight the evil spirit and you don’t win? It’s unfortunate but don’t worry because reading this message and obeying the steps would give you victory in Jesus’ name.

What are Evil Spirits?

Evil spirits are spirits of the fallen angels chased out of heaven for their rebellious act.

Evil spirits are also referred to as unclean spirits, demons and lying spirit.

They are called evil spirit because all the best the angels can do are destructive missions. If you get any ‘good’ from them then you will surely pay it back in multiples of grieve and sorrow!

History of Demonic Spirits

The LORD created the angels to have a spiritual formation like us.

“Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.” (Psalm 104:4)

All angels were ministering to the LORD until a moment when one of the arch angels called Lucifer the morning star thought of elevating his throne above that of his Creator. He convinced so many angels who thought Lucifer could defeat the Throne of the LORD.

After their defeat from heaven, Lucifer name changed to Devil/Satan and the other angels that followed him are now referred to as evil angels. Thus, the spirit in an evil angel is simply an evil spirit.

Please, read more in the Holy Bible as recorded in the book of Isaiah chapter 14 and Revelation chapter 12.

7 Major Categories of Evil Spirits

No one can understand everything about the Creator. He created us with hierarchies and the angels were not created with equal capability too. When the fallen angels left heaven, the LORD did not withdraw their powers so they rank themselves according to their creative ability.

Major categories according to their location include:

1. The Arch Angelic Demon known as their spiritual leader is popularly called the Satan wandering from one place to another (Job 1:6-7)

2. Chained ones in darkness (Jude 1:6)

3. Unclean spirits in the wilderness (Matthew 12:43)

4. The demons in the firmament

5. Evil spirits on earth possess living creatures including humans.

6. Marine spirits

7. Demons are present in hell (2Peter2:4)

All these categories of evil spirits do not work independently but they are loyal to the great dragon, the old serpent also called the Devil.

     There are some people who make you believe that there are good demons that can give you money, children or anything wonderful you want. But I am warning you with respect to my experience with the Devil that there is nothing good from the evil spirits. They might make you laugh in the morning but they would ensure you cry in the afternoon and weep tirelessly at night!

How Can I be Possessed by Demonic Spirit?

The 10 main channels you can become filled by the evil spirit are:

1. Living joyfully in a sinful lifestyle.

2. If you worship in churches with existence of idols or ‘statue of saints’.

3. Gathering where recitation of strange words that cannot be found in the Bible.

4. Church without decorum about speaking in tongues and its interpretation. Don’t be deceived, demons speak in tongues as well, so if your tongue is not genuine you are set for a big trouble!

5. If you love lies then demons would be your friend.

6. Absence of the word of GOD in your heart.

7. A life with less prayer or reading prayers from the book without real spiritual connection to the LORD is dangerous.

8. When the Holy Spirit is not allowed to control your actions and reactions daily.

9. If you seek for help from dark powers, then you won’t be able to fight the evil spirit.

10. Careless Christians who claim to be saved by grace and still wallow in unholiness can’t escape the possession of the demonic spirits.

10 Dangerous Effects of Evil Spirit to You

The terrible actions of unclean spirits mentioned below can be as a result of spiritual attack or the aftermath of a relationship with the Devil and demons:

1. Depression; like the case of king Saul (1 Samuel 16:14)

2. Some case of mental imbalance

3. Incurable sickness

4. Suicidal mission

5. Transforming you from GOD’s image to another image through cosmetics, tattoos and make-up. (Revelation 2:20)

6. Making money through your spiritual gifts instead to give freely as instructed by Jesus Christ, this act will lead to end-time rejection. (Matthew 7:21-23)

7. Evil spirit will make you love arguments with the Holy Spirit and make you good at misconceptions of the scriptures. (Titus 3:9)

8. Departure of the Holy Spirit from you due to your wrong choice.

9. Evil spirit attacks you to steal, kill and destroy destiny.

10. The relationship of the Devil and his demons with you will surely lead your eternal soul to hell.

12 Mighty Ways to Fight the Evil Spirit

May we never fall into the anger of the LORD where these evil spirits are used as instruments of chastisement to the children of GOD. Thus, the following steps below can help you fight the evil spirit that intends to crush you to hell:

1. Stop all sinful acts, repent and ask for God’s forgiveness; the only ‘access key’ used by the evil spirit to knock you down is the presence of sin in your life!

2. Cry out to the LORD for deliverance and always call the name of Jesus Christ when you feel the presence of the unclean spirits.

3. Your faith in the Power of the LORD is a strong weapon to fight the evil spirit.

4. Destroy all charms and renounce all covenants you have with the demons.

5. Stop attending church with idols/statue of ‘holy saints’ and run away from gatherings that use materialism such as; handkerchiefs, soap, candles, water, oil etc. All these are channels of the wicked spirit that links into you!

6. Identify the loopholes that give the entrance of the evil spirit into your life. For example; drunkenness, wild parties, sexual immoralities, artificial beauty materials, carelessness etc.

7. Seal all the loopholes by obeying the holy commandments of the LORD written in the Bible.

8. If you want to fight the evil spirit and win the battle, then you must always read the word of GOD in the Bible every hour. I advise you to listen to the bible audio format and always sing good Gospel worship songs.

9. Always pray to the LORD all the time and invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in you. Don’t give-up even if there is no instant miracle.

10. Don’t do anything without the approval of the Holy Spirit in you because the Spirit of the LORD will teach you how to defeat different spiritual attacks of the demons.

11. You must engage in prayer and fasting asking for the divine touch of GOD on you, for sanctification and spiritual transformation. Your mind, spirit and body must be cleansed.

12. If you suffer too much stumbling in the process, then seek for counsel from a genuine servant of GOD who won’t ask for money from you or you can contact me.

I was once a friend of the Devil and when I heard the Call of the LORD, I pulled out. I was severely attacked by the Devil and his demons but all the steps I mentioned above were followed and I was victorious through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

If you sincerely obey the twelve steps above you will fight the evil spirit and overcome!

May the power of the LORD be upon you as you obey today’s message in Jesus’ name.   

Spiritual Problem: 10 Steps for Christians to Overcome Distress!

Spiritual Problem: 10 Steps for Christians to Overcome Distress!

If you are going through spiritual problem then please don’t be depressed because everyone would go through hurdles of life in one form or the other. Did you know that Jesus Christ went through spiritual problem when on earth as well? Were you told that Christians would also go through spiritual distress?

Today’s message would give you peace and solutions to any spiritual problem troubling your life.

“Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come!”

“It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:1-2)

Jesus Christ prepared our mind ahead by saying:

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Jesus Christ understands your spiritual problem because He had encountered such when He prayed to this Father:

“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)

The Good News for you today is that Jesus Christ can help you out of your spiritual distress because He overcame and have the authority over spiritual problems.

What is Spiritual Suffering?

Spiritual suffering is a painful situation that disconnects someone from the LORD and every good thing about life. It can suck out the peace and power from the sufferer coupled with a strong wind of disbelief to crush the wounded victim…

I’d went through all the descriptions above…so painful…but I give GOD the glory, my life is victorious today!

What Causes Spiritual Problem?

Someone going through a terrible loss, emotional discomfort or health challenges can have spiritual distress if care is not taken. There are two major causes of spiritual problem:

1. Disobedience

The wage of sin is death and most times it is not necessarily the death that takes you to the grave quickly!

Sin is an act of disobedience. Disobedience to the commandments of the LORD can cause spiritual distress. Not obeying the common natural rules about your well-being can lead to health crisis that can affect your spiritual life as well.

2. Demonic Attack

Your holy status with the LORD does not mean the Devil cannot try to attack you. Demonic attack comes in various forms such as temptations and serious confrontations in the spirit realm.

What are Examples of Spiritual Distress?

Signs and symptoms of spiritual problem differs from one person to another, but once you can identify things that steal your joy then your victory is near. Example of spiritual distress is not limited to the following:

1. Depression

2. Anxiety

3. Steady Anger

4. Unbelief

5. Hopelessness

6. Suicidal thoughts

7. Fear to sleep

8. Asking many Questions without getting answer

9. Loss of sense of direction and conflicting frustration

10. Longing for spiritual help

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Problem

1. Write a long list to identify the source or causes of the trouble.

2. Study the Bible for relevant issues and solutions provided.

3. Be honest with yourself to confess and repent from any active sin or any repeated mistakes. Forgiveness is a powerful instrument.

4. Share your experience with a highly respected servant of GOD.

5. You cannot underestimate the power of fasting and prayers.

6. Listening and singing songs of praises to the LORD during tribulations can do wonders for you.

7. Recitation and meditating the word of GOD every minute would give you healing and victory.

8. Be faithful to the LORD and be obedient to His voice always. You can’t solve spiritual issues through carnal knowledge.

9. Wait patiently in the LORD during storms of life because impatience will make you sink deeper!

10. No matter how tough it could be, please do not allow fear to stay in your heart. Allow faith because fear has nothing to give than failure.

The Power of the LORD shall come upon your life as you obey the steps above and you would surely be delivered from all forms of spiritual problem in Jesus name.

This is the word of Jesus Christ for you too:

Peace, I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Dirty Mind in a Christian? 20 Steps for Your Perfect Cleansing!

Dirty Mind in a Christian? 20 Steps for Your Perfect Cleansing!

Dirty mind in a Christian is synonymous to a dog going back to its throw-up. Filthy mind occurs when you long to have sexual intimacy with an opposite sex you see. A perverted heart is unholy!

If you are presently going through a dirty mind and you feel bad finding it impossible to pull out of it, then today’s message will help you.

How Do You Get a Dirty Mind?

It is a pity that no one on earth has the power to stop the agents of dirty mind because they are everywhere including the church.

Our dressing style is speedily tending towards nakedness and many pastors never condemned the demonic style of dressing and cosmetics in our society.

Before the later end of the 19th century, anyone that dress or appears seductive is referred to as a whoreson dog, but it is unfortunate that presently half nakedness of people on the street is seen as a normal view.

Your heart can become filthy through the following:

1. Giving attention to secular advert on the television or magazine.

2. Fixing your eyes on opposite sex who may/may not dressed seductively.

3. Listening and enjoying the worldly music.

4. Watching porn

5. Immoral touch of the opposite sex can give a dirty mind

When Does Your Mind Gets Dirty

Everyone who has eyes to see and brain to interpret gets tempted every day. The difference is that a transformed Christian would wipe the dirt away before it sticks to the mind, but the careless Christian allows the dirt to stick which results to a dirty mind.

Jesus says: “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28-29)

You don’t have a dirty mind when you look at opposite sex and take your eyes and heart away instantly!

But your mind gets dirty when you look at the opposite sex, admire the look in an indecent way, personalize the figure and long to have him or her on bed.

Your mind gets terribly perverted when you lust after same sex or you long to be transgender – it is an abomination to the LORD.

7 Terrible Effects of a Filthy Mind

1. It leads to fornication and adultery

2. Dirty mind corrupts the soul

3. Holy Spirit would desert from such heart

4. It gives room for the devil to oppress and depress such soul

5. You lose respect in the midst of reasonable people

6. Bankruptcy

7. Anyone with a dirty mind treks the path that leads to eternal punishment.

20 Ways to Overcome a Dirty Mind

1. Stay away from friends or people who delight in dirty talks.

2. Stop looking at someone for more than 1 second!

3. Don’t shift blame to the harlot-looking lady for your dirty mind.

4. You will be clean if you stop watching porn or any similar movie.

5. Self-control is a vital virtue that helps, so take charge of emotions.

6. Always do Bible recitation and consistent Bible studies.

7. Fill your mind with holy words and filthy thoughts won’t manifest.

8. Disallow your brain from analysing how he or she looks!

9. Improve your spiritual and physical discipline.

10. Be diligent in your spiritual and emotional training.

11. Tell yourself always that you are a faithful child of GOD!

12. Do not live your life with a passive mind, expecting GOD to play your role for you.

13. When your eyes see the ‘flesh’, instead of saying “wow!” it is wise to take your eyes away and whisper; “Blood of Jesus wash my face”!

14. Anointing does not cure dirty mind so always look away frequently when having a long talk with a seductive person.

15. If your mind gets dirty more often through watching television, you might need to shut it down until your heart is trained to watch only edifying programmes.

16. Avoid the beach because you can’t escape seeing the flesh in bikini that can stain your thoughts and make you dirty.

17. Don’t attend churches that allows seductive dressing because you would struggle so much with images that sucks your faith!

18. You won’t have a dirty mind if you are patient with your thoughts.

19. It is normal for opposite sex to be attractive but it is abnormal if you can’t control your desire.

20. Filthy mind can be cleaned through fasting and prayers.

I strongly encourage you to follow the steps above and your dirty mind would be cleaned permanently. Because, I followed the steps and my victory is permanent forever!

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Weakness!

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Weakness!

Spiritual weakness is an inability to satisfy the LORD due to inadequate spiritual strength and a status of spiritual immaturity. It’s a serious cause for concern because Christians going through spiritual weakness are not active sinners and they are eager to move out of the poor status because they understand the consequences.

Today’s sermon will explain the cause and the best ways for you to overcome spiritual weakness.

6 Causes of Spiritual Weakness

1. Lost Focus in Jesus Christ

Any Christian who gives too much attention to their pastors than to the Almighty GOD will lose focus on the genuine teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was aware of this danger and that is the reason He discouraged His disciples from referring to any man as a spiritual father and He made it clear that the only Spiritual  Father we have is GOD.

2. Distractions by Things of the World

The world is overloaded with many features which can blindfold you easily. For instance; wealth, science and technology, social enjoyment etc.

3. Obeying Cultures that Contradicts Holiness

It is unfortunate that the church of our generation had mingled with the world. Many church leaders allowed worldly culture thinking that will make the church to be full…

4. Lack of Spiritual Nutrient

It is a dangerous act to miss the reading and meditation on the Word of God every day!

5. Miscommunication between you and the LORD

It is easy to disobey the voice of the Holy Spirit because God’s will for you always contradicts most of your wishes.

6. Over-Estimating your Spiritual Status

Your spiritual strength has nothing to do with your age or the number of years you’d spent in the Christian fold. Servants of GOD can lose spiritual strength through the uncontrollable pride that approaches the ceremonial awards presented to them.

The teachings of Jesus Christ do not support the presentation of awards to Christians when on earth because our rewards are in heaven. Presentation of awards is a worldly practice that was adopted into the Christendom and it is destructive to our spiritual status with the LORD.

5 Types of Spiritual Weakness

1. Unstable Faith

2. Inability to exhibit spiritual gifts

3. Retarded spiritual growth

4. Non-transformation; No distinction between you and unbelievers

5. Pride

7 Signs of Spiritual Weakness

1. Procrastination of doing the right things

2. Love for things of this world

3. Blind argument to justify your undisciplined status

4. Unreadiness to let go some characters

5. Private Prayer time is diminishing very fast

6. No more active Personal Bible study

7. Less resistance to temptation and expecting Jesus to do it for you.

10 Steps to Overcome Spiritual Weakness

1. Don’t reach a conclusion that there are some sins you cannot stop!

2. It is vital you increase your prayer time. I asked for spiritual strength and I was empowered steadily.

3. Stay away from societal culture and church doctrines that cannot be found in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

4. Always share the Good News of Jesus Christ online and offline and your spiritual strength will be restored.

5. You can overcome spiritual weakness if you abandon all books except the Holy Bible which is the only roadmap for a successful spiritual journey.

6. You’ll get spiritual power during consistent praise and worship, so don’t miss personal fellowship with the LORD every day.

7. Don’t take temptation for granted when it comes. Expect it every day but don’t give the evil suggestions a second thought rather squeeze it into the trash with the word of God.

8. Give everything about your heart to Jesus Christ.

Jesus says: “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matthew 10:37)

9. Spiritual weakness is as a result of spiritual indiscipline, so you have to be a disciplined Soldier of Christ.

10. Check and Balance yourself every night before going to bed.

Jesus says: “Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:44)

The risk involved in staying too long in spiritual weakness is terrific. It leads to spiritual stunted growth, lukewarm and backsliding. I was once a weak Christians but when I followed the steps above the LORD made me stronger in His Holiness.

You cannot be spiritually strong by your intellectuals or by the church doctrines. You must be disciplined and consistent in personal relationship with the LORD – that’s the secret of your victory!