Unanswered Prayers: 20 Reasons Your Prayers Not Answered!

Unanswered Prayers: 20 Reasons Your Prayers Not Answered!

Unanswered prayers are the ‘essential requests’ you asked but the LORD ‘did not’ approve – it is disheartened! Unfortunately, many people choose to become atheists because they don’t get their desires from the LORD. Some in the church went to the dark powers because of unanswered prayers. Can these steps be the safest option? No!

Today’s message will inform you the causes of unanswered prayers by the LORD and steps to take for your prayers to be answered.

20 Causes Your Unanswered Prayers were Rejected by GOD

1. When you have grudges with anyone without readiness to solve the matter.

2. If you pray with ‘divided’ faith using idolatry materials such as; candles, perfumes, handkerchief, etc. as medium, you will suffer unanswered prayers by the LORD. ‘Idolatry miracles’ are not permanent.

3. Enjoyment of sinful lifestyle calling it grace dispensation grieves GOD so much that it will hinder GOD’s attention to your plea.

4. Failure to forgive those that sin against you is a terrible hinderance.

5. Prayers with stuffs of selfish desires go unanswered, so scrutinize your request properly.

6. Your unanswered prayers may be as a result of contradictions with God’s Will for you.

7. Prayer session without Holy Spirit communicating to your heart is a waste of time and energy.

8. Refusal to bless the needy when the LORD expects you to do so may hinder your prayers.

9. Prayers filled with pride telling GOD how much you donated to the church, evangelism or to the poor can lead to your unanswered supplications.

10. Speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift but if you pray in tongues without the Holy Spirit such prayer may turn into curse. Many Christians are entrapped in false teaching about praying in tongues.

11. If you go through distractions during your supplications then your heart easily disconnects from linking to God’s presence.

12. Anxiety is toxic and if not kept under check it can make you say some silly things to the LORD which can lead to unanswered prayers.

13. Spiritual deafness is also a strong cause of fruitless petitions.

14. My decades of personal relationship with the LORD reveals that GOD’s timing is different from mine and it is easy for me to rush and conclude that my prayer is not answered at that moment. Impatience!

15. Another serious source of unanswered petitions is praying without the word of GOD.

16. Praying amiss! Defective prayers like asking GOD to kill someone.

17. Family conflict is a big factor that affects prayers.

18. A request you tagged as unanswered could be GOD saying a contrary response you don’t believe could come from the LORD.

19. Spiritual struggles in the spiritual realms like the case of Daniel could be a cause of delay.

20. Some prayer requests require your first step of faithful action so don’t always fold your arms and expect a magic from the LORD.

10 Biblical Reasons for Unanswered Prayers

1. “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.”

“But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25-26)

2. “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.” (Matthew 6:5)

3. “…Have faith in God…whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” (Mark 11:22-23)

4. “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore, do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.” (Matthew 6:7-8)

5. “A man’s pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor.” (Proverbs 29:23)

6. “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” (1Peter 3:7)

7. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.” (Isaiah 55:8)

8. “Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be heard.” (Proverbs 21:13)

9. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” (John 15:7)

10. “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!… (Romans 6:1-2)

10 Things to Do When Your Prayers Not Answered

1. Forgive yourself and anyone who sinned against you.

2. Put your trust in GOD only and not in anyone or materialism.

3. Unanswered prayers will be gone if you stop this deliberate sinful lifestyle!

4. Present prayer requests that will benefit you and everyone around you.

5. Be genuinely born-again so that the Spirit of GOD can communicate easily to you during your prayers.

6. Always bless the poor. I cannot quantify the blessings I received from the LORD doing this wonderful act.

7. Save yourself from curses by praying in tongues you understand. If necessary, the LORD knows when to take control of your tongues for other languages.

8. Be patient when you experience unanswered prayers because it means GOD’s timing is not the same as yours for such requests.

9. Resolve any form of family conflict in your home and you will be surprised with the numerous unanswered petitions turning into testimonies.

10. Be anxious about nothing and stop comparing your life situation with other people around you!

Unanswered prayers do not mean you are no longer a child of GOD and it does not change the fact that the powerful LORD can hear. So, I advise you to take it easy and be calm. Stay faithful to the LORD by obeying His rules given to us through Jesus Christ.

I pray the Almighty LORD will have mercy upon you and all the critical requests you seek GOD’s help for will be granted upon you in Jesus’ name.

12 Breakthrough Prayers to Transform Your Life

12 Breakthrough Prayers to Transform Your Life

Are you feeling stuck or facing challenges in your life? Sometimes, all it takes is breakthrough prayers to help you find the success and happiness you deserve. Today’s message contains 12 breakthrough prayers that can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. I pray these prayers and my life is full of great testimonies.

12 Breakthrough Prayers that Can Help You

1. Prayer for Strength and Courage

“Dear God, give me the strength and courage to face the challenges in my life. Help me to trust in your plan and know that I am never alone. Give me the wisdom to make the right decisions and the courage to take action in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

2. Prayer for Guidance and Direction

“Dear God, please guide me in the direction that is best for me. Help me to trust in your plan and know that you have a purpose for my life. Give me the wisdom to make the right decisions and the courage to follow through. Thank you for your love and guidance. Amen.”

3. Prayer for Healing and Restoration

If you’re struggling with physical or emotional pain, this breakthrough prayers can help bring healing and restoration: “Dear God, I come to you in need of healing and restoration. Please touch my body and mind with your healing power. Bring peace to my heart and mind, and help me to trust in your plan for my life. I know that you are the great physician and that nothing is impossible for you. Thank you for your love and mercy. Amen.”

4. Prayer for Financial Blessings

“Dear God, I come to you in need of financial blessings. Please guide me towards opportunities that will bring prosperity and abundance into my life. Help me to manage my finances wisely and to use them for good. I trust in your plan for my life and know that you will provide for me in Jesus’ name. Thank you for your love and blessings. Amen.”

5. Prayer for Protection and Safety

In times of danger or uncertainty, it’s important to turn to breakthrough prayers that bring peace and comfort during difficult times: “Dear God, I ask for your protection and safety in my life. Please surround me with your love and shield me from harm. Guide me towards safety and help me to make wise decisions. I trust in your plan for my life and know that you will always be with me. Thank you for your love and protection. Amen.”

6. Prayer for Sustainable Endurance

“Dear God, please grant me the wisdom to trust in Your plan for my life. Help me to have patience and endurance as I wait for Your promises to come to fruition. May my faith in You lead me to a prosperous and glorious future in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

7. Powerful prayer for Success

“Dear God, I trust in your divine guidance and ask for your help in achieving my goals. Please bless everything I touch with prosperity and success. I know that with your strength and support, I can overcome any obstacle and achieve great things. Thank you for your unwavering love and support. Amen.”

8. Prayer for Shining Glory

You can become known everywhere by the power of the LORD. Make this breakthrough prayers: “Father, please lift me up from any difficult situations or struggles I may be facing. May your glory shine upon me and lead me towards greater achievements in Jesus’ name. I trust in your power and love. Amen.”

9. Prayer for Destiny Accomplishment

“Dear LORD, I pray for the strength to overcome any failures in my life. I ask that you protect me from any negative decrees or testimonies that may be hindering my destiny. By the power of the blood of the Lamb, I declare victory over any obstacles in my path. Amen.”

10. Prayer for Spiritual Strength

If you noticed you rise and often fall on your spiritual journey then this breakthrough prayers are for you: “Dear LORD, please help me to prioritize seeking Your kingdom above all other pursuits in my life. Help me to let go of my own ambitions. May my heart be open to Your will and Your plan for my life in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

11. Breakthrough prayers for Peace

“Father, please help me to let go of any anger I hold onto others. Help me to see them with compassion and understanding and give me the power to speak words of kindness to those who may be hurting in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

12. Prayer for Happy Marriage

“Dear LORD come and dwell in my home and make Your agape love to control our lifestyle that the power of Your holiness will make us strong and undefeatable by the forces of darkness in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Breakthrough Prayers is a powerful tool for communicating with God and presenting your requests and petitions to Him. So, I encourage you to persist in your prayers to experience many breakthroughs in your life. Always seek the LORD’s guidance and intervention consistently and you will overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

The Book of Life in the Bible: How to Ensure Your Name is Written

The Book of Life in the Bible: How to Ensure Your Name is Written

The Book of Life in the Bible is a special record that contains the identities of people that will dwell with GOD into eternity. The peculiarity of this Book is that the angels or Jesus Christ cannot have access to it except the LORD.

I would love to share a vision the LORD revealed to me that buttresses the fact that the Book of Life in the Bible is real.

“I found myself in a very massive beautiful courtyard which has the throne of the Judge in the centre and there is an exit route by the right and left side of the throne.

The courtroom is quiet and the fear of GOD is all over and the peaceful air in the massive room cannot be compared to that of the earth. Everyone is in a single queue and massive number of dead souls keep joining every second.

Everyone moves forward to the Judge and in less than a blink of an eye the judgement was done. I noticed so many souls pass through the left exit and very scanty souls pass through the right exit.”

The Book of Life in the Bible is a highly intelligent record that your brain can’t comprehend the details so don’t be deceived by religions such as Jehovah witness and other preachers who deceive people that GOD won’t have the luxury of time to judge everyone that exists on earth.  

7 Verses About the Book of Life in the Bible

1. “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.” (Revelation 20:12)

2. “…Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.” (Daniel 7:10)

3. “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.” (Revelation 3:5)

4. “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” (Revelation 17:8)

5. “All who dwell on the earth will worship him (beast), whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8)

6. “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” (Revelation 21:27)

7. “Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20)

How Your Name Can be Written in the Book of Life

The following points are true because I am a living witness of the Salvation of the LORD:

1. Self-Realization: Sit down and tell yourself the truth that you need to abandon worldliness, sins and things of the devil. Manifest your power of choice to follow Jesus Christ.

2. Study the Bible: Read the instructions of the LORD and not the church doctrines. This will open your eyes to see your mistakes, sins and wrong doings.

3. Genuine Repentance: Accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Confess all your sins and stay away from them. Obey the instructions of Jesus Christ in the Bible daily. Don’t be a lukewarm Christian.

4. Fellowship with the LORD: Don’t care about the church politics that can hurt you but spend ample time in your privacy with the LORD by praising, worshiping and praying to HIM in spirit and truth.

5. Pass the Test: GOD cannot be cheated. Don’t serve HIM because of the things you want to get from HIM.

I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jeremiah 17:10)

GOD cannot be enticed so don’t listen to those church leaders who tell you to bring all your money to them. Your spiritual fruit is the determining factor.

 Can a Name Be Erased from the Book of Life?

Book of Life in the Bible is mentioned as a record of all those who will inherit eternal life. However, it is also mentioned that a person’s name can be removed from the Book of Life if they have sinned against God.

And the LORD said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.” (Exodus 32:33)

So, don’t be deceived by doctrine of eternal security. If you accept Jesus Christ as your saviour and you keep committing sins deliberately then your name can’t be written in the Book of Life.


Anyone whose name is not in the Book of Life shall be cast into lake of fire for eternal punishment. Please I appeal to you to give your life to Jesus Christ and live a ‘hot’ Christian life through the counsel of the Holy Spirit.

The level of abomination in the world and the church is very high this is not an excuse for you to live a lukewarm lifestyle. Stay firm in GOD’s Holiness!

10 Reasons Prayer Altar is Important for Spiritual Growth!

10 Reasons Prayer Altar is Important for Spiritual Growth!

Are you looking to deepen your spiritual Christian practice? A prayer altar can help. Learn about the importance of having a sacred space for prayer and reflection about things of the LORD.

A prayer altar is a physical space dedicated to spiritual practice and reflection. It can be a powerful tool for deepening your connection to your faith in GOD and enhancing your spiritual journey to Heaven. In this sermon, I will explore the importance of having a prayer altar and offer tips for creating your own sacred space.

As Christians it is essential, we follow the example of Jesus Christ. His popularity could not make him have his privacy in the room, so his prayer altar was on the mountain.

“Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” (Luke 6:12)

How to Set Up a Prayer Altar

Creating a prayer altar in your home can provide a sacred space for you to connect with your spirituality in Jesus Christ and deepen your prayer practice.

1. It’s important to choose a location that is free from distractions, whether it’s a spare room or a simple closet.

2. Clearing out any existing items in the space can help create a sense of focus and intentionality.

3. By dedicating a specific area to prayer, you can cultivate a sense of peace and mindfulness in your daily life. Creating a prayer altar can be a powerful tool for deepening your spiritual practice. It provides a dedicated space for prayer and reflection, and can serve as a visual reminder of your connection to the LORD.

4. To create your own prayer altar, gather items that hold personal significance, such as a pen/paper or electronic device as a journal and a Bible. Images of ‘Jesus’ or ‘saints’, statue of ‘holy Mary’ or the likes are unacceptable by the LORD. (Exodus 20)

5. As you spend time at your altar, consider posting prayers or scriptures on the walls, and watch as God answers your requests.

The prayer altar holds great significance as it serves as a sacred space for one to connect with the LORD. It is important to prioritize and maintain this space, ensuring that it remains a peaceful and intentional place for prayer and reflection.

Neglecting the prayer altar can lead to a disconnect from one’s Christian spiritual practice, so it is crucial to give it the attention and care it deserves.

10 Importance of Prayer Altar to Christians!

1. A prayer altar provides a physical reminder of your holy spiritual practice.

Having a designated space for prayer and reflection can serve as a physical reminder of your spiritual status. It can help you stay focused and committed to your faith, even during busy or stressful times.

2. When you have a prayer altar, you can easily incorporate prayer and scriptural meditation into your daily routine, making it a natural part of your life.

3. Seeing your altar every day can bring a sense of peace and comfort, reminding you that you are not alone on your spiritual journey with Jesus Christ.

4. It creates a space for focused prayer and meditation

One of the main benefits of having a prayer altar is that it creates a designated space for focused prayer and meditation of the Word of GOD.

When you have a specific area in your home or room that is dedicated to your spiritual practice, it can help you stay focused and present during your prayer and meditation sessions.

This can be especially helpful if you have a busy or hectic schedule, as it provides a physical reminder to take time for yourself and connect faithfully to the LORD.

Additionally, having a prayer altar can help you establish a routine for your spiritual practice, making it easier to incorporate into your daily life.

5. It helps to cultivate a sense of reverence and gratitude

Creating a prayer altar can help you cultivate a sense of reverence and gratitude in your spiritual practice of holiness.

By setting aside a specific space for prayer and reflection, you are acknowledging the importance of your faith and the role it plays in your life. This can help you feel more connected to your spirituality and deepen your sense of gratitude for the blessings of the LORD in your life.

6. Additionally, having a physical space to display your Bibles, jotters, musical instruments for praise to the LORD, can serve as a reminder of the values and beliefs that guide your spiritual journey to Heaven.

7. It can serve as a source of comfort and solace during difficult times.

Life can be challenging, and having a prayer altar can provide a sense of comfort and solace during difficult times.

When you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, taking a few moments to sit at your altar and pray or meditate can help you feel more coordinated.

8. Additionally, having a physical space to display items that hold personal significance, such as photos of loved ones or mementos from important life events, can serve as a reminder of the support and love of GOD that surrounds you, even during tough times.

9. It encourages a consistent and intentional spiritual practice.

Having a prayer altar in your home can help you establish a consistent and intentional spiritual practice.

10. One of the vital importance of prayer altar is that it is a place you will surely hear from the LORD.


By setting aside a specific space for prayer and meditation, you are creating a physical reminder to prioritize your spiritual well-being. Whether you choose to spend a few minutes at your prayer altar each morning or make it a part of your nightly routine, having a dedicated space for spiritual practice can help you stay connected to your Christian faith and deepen your relationship with the LORD.

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Laziness as a Christian

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Laziness as a Christian

Spiritual laziness means reluctance to do the spiritual actions that the LORD instruct you to do always as a Christian.

Spiritual laziness had become a plaque among Christians because they believe the false teachers who said that they have no regulations to follow other than to believe in the name of Jesus Christ.

Today’s message will tell you the signs of spiritual laziness and how to overcome the menace.

7 Signs of Spiritual Laziness

1. When you love to spend excessive time on social events than spiritual activities. For instance, watching movies or social media for many hours.

2. Procrastinating your prayer time.

3. Always too tired to read your Bible daily.

4. Giving excuses for not participating in evangelism.

5. Spiritual laziness takes place when you are gluttonous and sleep too much.

6. When Christian life becomes boring to you.

7. You don’t have the zeal to fellowship in the presence of the LORD.

10 Dangers of Spiritual Slothfulness

1. Disconnect you from the presence of the LORD.

2. Spiritual laziness makes it easy for the devil to oppress you.

3. Such soul is running far away from the path to Heaven.

4. It would be difficult to be successful in life.

5. Spiritual slothfulness would make a Christian to become self-righteous.

6. It is the main cause of a retarded spiritual growth!

7. Lukewarmness

8. Backsliding

9. Difficult deliverance from the bondage of spiritual procrastination.

10. Spiritual laziness can make you slave to sin forever!

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Laziness

1. Make friends with genuine children of GOD.

2. Change your orientation from the false teaching of “eternal security”.

3. Take away distractions such as movies, social media, etc

4. Rekindle your First Love for GOD and keep the ‘fire’ burning!

5. Set alarm on your reminder devices for daily spiritual activities such as prayer time, worship moment, bible studies, online evangelism etc

6. No boring moment in Christian lifestyle, so always listen to inspirational gospel music.

7. Sitting down in a building for hours every Sunday might make you lazy, thus exercise your body by going for evangelism always.

8. You can overcome spiritual laziness by setting your mind to always become conscious of God’s presence by your side.

9. Be faithful to the LORD and not to the things of this world.

10. Make your spiritual gifts useful in the lives of people around you.

Many Christians on their spiritual race may get weary and if care is not taken the spiritual laziness can take the course.

“But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.””

If you are going through unwanted situation of spiritual coldness then follow the solutions above and you would be energetic for God’s purpose for your life.