Are you bothered about God’s will for your life? How can you know His plans for your success? Enough of this confusion you always go through!
God’s will for you is designed before your birth. So, God has no mistake to make about your life, but living contrary to the LORD’s plan might be frustrating or risky.
Today’s message will guide you on steps to take to know the secret plans of God for your life.
10 Practical Steps to Discover God’s Will for You
Please I want you to know that God’s plans for you do not always fall into the same template you always want. And don’t be carried away by preachers who told you that all about your life is rosy! The following steps will help you to know that God is neither wicked nor deaf;
1. Live a Patient life
No matter how strong your relationship with the LORD…you may quote all the Bible verses by heart…you may invest all your wealth for the Gospel…but if you are impatient then you can’t know God’s will. Don’t blame Him for your disappointment! (James 1:4)
2. Leave your Plan on God’s Table
You cannot understand God’s plan if you always expect Him to approve your own plans. It is good to be hardworking, but get God’s consent before investing your strength and cash!
3. Obey His Instructions
If you obey God’s commandments as instructed by Jesus, He would be pleased to reveal His secret plans to you. Don’t live a careless life and claim you are under His grace! (John 14:21)
4. Stabilise your Relationship with the LORD
Lukewarm Christians and faithless people can never understand God’s will. No matter the circumstances, love God with all your heart, worship and pray to Him all the time.
5. Don’t Compare Your Life with Others
The Israelite compared their lives with the Egyptians without respect to the LORD and it backfired. (Numbers chapter 11)
6. Pay Attention to your Spiritual Gift
The LORD has a way of speaking to you either through dreams, visions, word of wisdom, knowledge or any other unique means. HE won’t put you in the dark if the decision you intend to take is against God’s will. (First Peter 4:10)
7. Pray and Listen to the Holy Spirit
Don’t pray when you had made up your mind on a decision because your thoughtful voice may suppress the voice of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the LORD will counsel you if you do not impose your will on the LORD. (John 14:26)
8. Reverse Repeated Negative Outcomes
God is Sovereign. If you attempt to achieve a brilliant goal and it always comes out negative when many people get positive result, then watch out! It’s not necessarily devil’s work, it might be God discouraging you since it is not His will for you. It is imminent to go through unwanted circumstances in life but it must not be monotonous.
9. Trust GOD and not the System
You cannot know God’s will for your life if your trust is in man, the government, stock market, social institutions, technology and the likes. Let God be the First in everything you want to do. HE would screen your intentions to suit His will for you!
10. Live Righteously
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6: 33-34)