Dirty Mind in a Christian? 20 Steps for Your Perfect Cleansing!

Dirty Mind in a Christian? 20 Steps for Your Perfect Cleansing!

Dirty mind in a Christian is synonymous to a dog going back to its throw-up. Filthy mind occurs when you long to have sexual intimacy with an opposite sex you see. A perverted heart is unholy!

If you are presently going through a dirty mind and you feel bad finding it impossible to pull out of it, then today’s message will help you.

How Do You Get a Dirty Mind?

It is a pity that no one on earth has the power to stop the agents of dirty mind because they are everywhere including the church.

Our dressing style is speedily tending towards nakedness and many pastors never condemned the demonic style of dressing and cosmetics in our society.

Before the later end of the 19th century, anyone that dress or appears seductive is referred to as a whoreson dog, but it is unfortunate that presently half nakedness of people on the street is seen as a normal view.

Your heart can become filthy through the following:

1. Giving attention to secular advert on the television or magazine.

2. Fixing your eyes on opposite sex who may/may not dressed seductively.

3. Listening and enjoying the worldly music.

4. Watching porn

5. Immoral touch of the opposite sex can give a dirty mind

When Does Your Mind Gets Dirty

Everyone who has eyes to see and brain to interpret gets tempted every day. The difference is that a transformed Christian would wipe the dirt away before it sticks to the mind, but the careless Christian allows the dirt to stick which results to a dirty mind.

Jesus says: “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28-29)

You don’t have a dirty mind when you look at opposite sex and take your eyes and heart away instantly!

But your mind gets dirty when you look at the opposite sex, admire the look in an indecent way, personalize the figure and long to have him or her on bed.

Your mind gets terribly perverted when you lust after same sex or you long to be transgender – it is an abomination to the LORD.

7 Terrible Effects of a Filthy Mind

1. It leads to fornication and adultery

2. Dirty mind corrupts the soul

3. Holy Spirit would desert from such heart

4. It gives room for the devil to oppress and depress such soul

5. You lose respect in the midst of reasonable people

6. Bankruptcy

7. Anyone with a dirty mind treks the path that leads to eternal punishment.

20 Ways to Overcome a Dirty Mind

1. Stay away from friends or people who delight in dirty talks.

2. Stop looking at someone for more than 1 second!

3. Don’t shift blame to the harlot-looking lady for your dirty mind.

4. You will be clean if you stop watching porn or any similar movie.

5. Self-control is a vital virtue that helps, so take charge of emotions.

6. Always do Bible recitation and consistent Bible studies.

7. Fill your mind with holy words and filthy thoughts won’t manifest.

8. Disallow your brain from analysing how he or she looks!

9. Improve your spiritual and physical discipline.

10. Be diligent in your spiritual and emotional training.

11. Tell yourself always that you are a faithful child of GOD!

12. Do not live your life with a passive mind, expecting GOD to play your role for you.

13. When your eyes see the ‘flesh’, instead of saying “wow!” it is wise to take your eyes away and whisper; “Blood of Jesus wash my face”!

14. Anointing does not cure dirty mind so always look away frequently when having a long talk with a seductive person.

15. If your mind gets dirty more often through watching television, you might need to shut it down until your heart is trained to watch only edifying programmes.

16. Avoid the beach because you can’t escape seeing the flesh in bikini that can stain your thoughts and make you dirty.

17. Don’t attend churches that allows seductive dressing because you would struggle so much with images that sucks your faith!

18. You won’t have a dirty mind if you are patient with your thoughts.

19. It is normal for opposite sex to be attractive but it is abnormal if you can’t control your desire.

20. Filthy mind can be cleaned through fasting and prayers.

I strongly encourage you to follow the steps above and your dirty mind would be cleaned permanently. Because, I followed the steps and my victory is permanent forever!

10 Truths About Soul Sleep that Christians Should Know!

10 Truths About Soul Sleep that Christians Should Know!

Soul sleep is a belief originated by some people who teaches that the soul of the dead sleeps without any action until the final day of resurrection and judgment by the LORD.

By the special grace of the LORD, I have the authority to teach this topic about soul sleep because GOD revealed a vision about consciousness of life after death to me.

Does a Dead Soul Truly Sleep?

“The LORD took me to His courtyard in a vision and I noticed the environment was very beautiful, clean, peaceful and quiet. He sits on His Throne of Judgment and there is a single row of dead souls before Him. I noticed the number of dead souls on the row increases continuously. And no one spends up to a femtosecond before the LORD.

He pronounces His judgment and no one argues with Him or complains that His judgment is not fair. There is an exit by the right and left side of the courtyard. I noticed after the pronouncement the judged souls do not need anyone to usher them to their appropriate exit route. Many souls walk through the left exit while very few walk through the right exit.”

I asked God to explain the vision and He told me to preach the following to the world:

1. “Tell everyone that it does not take Me a day to judge everyone on earth.” “I don’t count seconds the way you count on earth.”

2. “Once you die, your flesh rotten on earth but your soul and spirit are intact and I reform you to fit into the new existence. You receive instant judgement when you die and you either go to hell to suffer or heaven to enjoy till the day of final judgment.”

3. Tell the world that many people are going to hell fire while saints are very few on the path to heaven.”

I was very scared after God’s message because the tone has no respect for anyone. If you are obedient then you would enjoy, but if you disobey despite your status as a Pastor, anointed Prophet, longest church member or whatever award you are given in the Church…then it will be a sorrowful day.

I pray you and I won’t miss heaven in Jesus name. GOD did not put up a procedure for soul sleep, so beware of such heresy originated from the Devil’s scheme to deceive us.   

10 Facts to Show that Soul Sleep is Heresy

1. You can never find such word in the Holy Book and neither the LORD nor Jesus Christ teaches soul sleep in the Bible.

2. The story of the rich man and Lazarus in ‘Abraham’s bosom’ shows that souls are not sleeping.

“…So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried… Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame…” (Luke 16:19-31)

3. Prophet Isaiah’s prophecy made it clear that souls in hades were not passive.

“Hell from beneath is excited about you, to meet you at your coming; It stirs up the dead for you, all the chief ones of the earth; It has raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations…” (Isaiah 14:9-11)

4. Jesus Christ made it clear that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are not sleeping but alive.

“But even Moses showed in the burning bush passage that the dead are raised, when he called the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. For He is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live to Him.” (Luke 20:37-38)

5. If Moses and Elijah were going through soul sleep then it would be impossible to join Jesus Christ during His prayer meeting.

“…And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him…” (Matthew 17:1-8)

6. Souls does not sleep and that is the reason they could cry for justice.

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10)

7. Jesus Christ told the guy on the other cross to meet Him in paradise, thus both of them were not going to sleep in any realm and not at the purgatory.

“And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

8. The wisdom of the Holy Spirit in Apostle Peter made us to know that after death the body becomes rotten while your spirit continues to be active! (1 Peter 3:18-19)

9. “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrew 9:27)

10. Jesus Christ was around with His disciple for a while before ascension to heaven, if soul sleep was a true teaching, then that would have been impossible for Jesus to do. (Acts chapter 1)


Soul sleep is not real and does not exist. So, I want you to believe the teachings of the Prophets and Jesus Christ which proves that soul sleep is heresy. 

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Weakness!

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Weakness!

Spiritual weakness is an inability to satisfy the LORD due to inadequate spiritual strength and a status of spiritual immaturity. It’s a serious cause for concern because Christians going through spiritual weakness are not active sinners and they are eager to move out of the poor status because they understand the consequences.

Today’s sermon will explain the cause and the best ways for you to overcome spiritual weakness.

6 Causes of Spiritual Weakness

1. Lost Focus in Jesus Christ

When you concentrate to spiritual fathers and read too many books of diverse faiths, you can lose direction of holiness.

2. Distractions by Things of the World

The world is overloaded with many features which can blindfold you easily. For instance; wealth, science and technology, social enjoyment etc.

3. Obeying Cultures that Contradicts Holiness

It is unfortunate that the church of our generation had mingled with the world. Many church leaders allowed worldly culture thinking that will make the church to be full…

4. Lack of Spiritual Nutrient

It is a dangerous act to miss reading and meditating on the Word of God every day!

5. Miscommunication between you and the LORD

It is easy to disobey the voice of the Holy Spirit because God’s will for you always contradicts most of your wishes.

6. Over-Estimating your Spiritual Status

Your spiritual strength has nothing to do with your age or the year you joined the Christian fold. If you are carried away by the church awards and fatherly names given to you then you might be heading towards a crash…

4 Types of Spiritual Weakness

1. Unstable Faith

2. Inability to exhibit spiritual gifts

3. Retarded spiritual growth

4. Non-transformation; No distinction between you and unbelievers

7 Signs of Spiritual Weakness

1. Procrastination of doing the right things

2. Love for things of this world

3. Blind argument to justify your undisciplined status

4. Unreadiness to let go some characters

5. Private Prayer time is diminishing very fast

6. No more active Personal Bible study

7. Less resistance to temptation and expecting Jesus to do it for you.

10 Steps to Overcome Spiritual Weakness

1. Don’t reach a conclusion that there are some sins you cannot stop!

2. It is vital you increase your prayer time. I asked for spiritual strength and I was empowered steadily.

3. Stay away from societal culture and church doctrines that cannot be found in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

4. Always share the Good News of Jesus Christ online and offline and your spiritual strength will be restored.

5. You can overcome spiritual weakness if you abandon all books except the Holy Bible which is the only roadmap for a successful spiritual journey.

6. You’ll get spiritual power during consistent praise and worship, so don’t miss personal fellowship with the LORD every day.

7. Don’t take temptation for granted when it comes. Expect it every day but don’t give the evil suggestions a second thought rather squeeze it into the trash with the word of God.

8. Give everything about your heart to Jesus Christ.

Jesus says: “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matthew 10:37)

9. Spiritual weakness is as a result of spiritual indiscipline, so you have to be a disciplined Soldier of Christ.

10. Check and Balance yourself every night before going to bed.

Jesus says: “Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:44)

The risk involved in staying too long in spiritual weakness is terrific. It leads to spiritual stunted growth, lukewarm and backsliding. I was once a weak Christians but when I followed the steps above the LORD made me stronger in His Holiness.

You cannot be spiritually strong by your intellectuals or by the church doctrines. You must be disciplined and consistent in personal relationship with the LORD – that’s the secret of your victory!  

Light of Jesus Christ: 5 Ways to Receive it and What Gains?

Light of Jesus Christ: 5 Ways to Receive it and What Gains?

Light of Jesus Christ means an exposure to truth and deliverance from bondage of confusion. Before the arrival of Jesus Christ there was a thick darkness filled with confusion in the spiritual realm of the world which affects the progress of the great people. But, the light of Jesus Christ had changed the narration now.

Today’s message emphasizes the significance of the light of Jesus Christ and how to benefit from it.

Functions of the Light of Jesus Christ

1. Gives spiritual sight and you also find it easy to identify and understand the power of spiritual darkness cast by the devil into the world.

2. It enhances the process of repentance from sins because you can see and understand the repercussions of staying too long in sin.

3. It gives a healthy spiritual growth because you don’t keep stumbling and perambulating on your spiritual journey in life.

4. Light of Jesus Christ takes away confusion from your life because Holy Spirit makes you to see and understand the aftermath of every decision you take.

5. It becomes impossible for the devil or demons to occupy your heart because the beam of the light of Jesus Christ consumes impurity.

How to Receive the Light of Christ

1. Readiness to forsake worldliness and to obey every instruction of Jesus Christ.

2. Personal Bible Study with an open heart of obedience to the Holy Spirit.

3. Strong prayerful life; seeking to see His Face every day and night.

4. Fasting and taking away distractions that hinder personal fellowship with the LORD.

5. The light of Christ beams through you as you forsake sins and practice holiness every day.

What Does the Bible Say about Light of the World?

1. John chapter 8 verse 12

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.””

2. John chapter 9 verse 5

“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

3. John chapter 1 verse 4

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.”

4. Second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6

“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

5. Matthew chapter 5:14-16

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

6. First John chapter 1 verse 5

“This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.”

7. Philippians chapter 2 verse 14 and 15

“Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”

What Does Live in the Light of Jesus Christ Mean?

1. To be helpful to your neighbours.

2. Share the Good News of Jesus Christ both on media and the neighbourhood.

3. Visit the prison to encourage the prisoners on the right path to follow.

4. Check on the sick to pray for them and share the love of Christ with them.

5. Go with gifts to the homes of the orphanage and sing gospel rhymes with the children.

6. Don’t cheat in school and stay away from corruption at your place of work.

7. Light of Jesus Christ means to live a righteous life according to God’s commandment.

Take a firm decision today to follow Jesus with all your heart and with all your strength. This would give you a permanent deliverance from spiritual darkness, confusion and oppression of the devil.

God Bless you as you make a fruitful turnaround in Jesus’ name.

Why Do Christians Get Cancer?

Why Do Christians Get Cancer?

Christians get cancer which is a genetic disease caused by changes to the genes that control the way our body cells function which leads to uncontrollable cell growth and division to other parts of the body.

If Christians get cancer, then it does not mean that the LORD is wicked or weak to heal. Don’t let your faith be drained by the depression. Though it is referred to as an incurable disease, but the medical researchers are trying to come up with hopeful drugs…

According to Worldwide Cancer data, there were an estimated 18.1 million cancer cases around the world in 2020. Of these, 9.3 million cases were in men and 8.8 million in women.

Today’s message would explain the causes and the avoidable steps to hinder Christians get cancer.

How Do Christians Get Cancer into Their Body?

The risk factors and causes of cancer include:

1. Age

2. Alcohol

3. Cancer-Causing Substances in body cream or cosmetics

4. Chronic Inflammation

5. Diet and beverages

6. Hormones

7. Immunosuppression

8. Infectious Agents

9. Obesity

10. Ionizing and non-ionizing Radiation

11. Too much exposure to Sunlight

12. Tobacco

13. Heredity

14. Lack of Exercise

What does God Say about Cancer in the Bible?

Cancer is not specifically mentioned in the Bible but incurable disease which can be categorized as cancer was mentioned.

1. 2 Chronicles chapter 21 verse 12 to 20

“And a letter came to him from Elijah the prophet, saying, thus says the LORD God of your father David: Because you have not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat your father…”

“But have walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and have made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to play the harlot like the harlotry of the house of Ahab, and also have killed your brothers…”

“Behold, the LORD will strike your people with a serious affliction-your children, your wives, and all your possessions… After all this the LORD struck him in his intestines with an incurable disease.”

2. Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 10 to 17

“…For I am with you,’ says the LORD, ‘to save you; … And will not let you go altogether unpunished.”

“For thus says the LORD: Your affliction is incurable, your wound is severe… You have no healing medicines…”

I discovered that the cancerous incidence mentioned in the Bible passages above is a divine punishment to the children of God who went astray.

How to be Healed from Cancer

If Christians get cancer, then the best healing practices excludes expensive medical treatments that does not heal!

So, the best steps include;

1. Repentance from all sins.

2. Read your Bible to find encouraging words that helps your faith.

3. Pray to the LORD and your faith can give you miracle of long life than the prediction of the doctors.

4. Wait patiently unto the LORD.

5. Depression kills cancer patients very fast, so, always rejoice in God’s presence through thanksgiving.

Christians get cancer through heredity or exposure to carcinogenic substances and risk factors mentioned above. Don’t be ignorant of the fact that misusing the grace of GOD like the Israelites might be disastrous.

This does not change the fact that GOD is loving. He is a disciplinarian and chastise His loved ones for their good.

I implore you to live a healthy lifestyle and stay away from foods and drinks preserved with chemicals. And, stay away from many body creams and cosmetics that contains heavy metals which could be carcinogenic.

May the mercy, power and healing from the LORD be upon all of us in Jesus name.