10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Laziness as a Christian

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Laziness as a Christian

Spiritual laziness means reluctance to do the spiritual actions that the LORD instruct you to do always as a Christian.

Spiritual laziness had become a plaque among Christians because they believe the false teachers who said that they have no regulations to follow other than to believe in the name of Jesus Christ.

Today’s message will tell you the signs of spiritual laziness and how to overcome the menace.

7 Signs of Spiritual Laziness

1. When you love to spend excessive time on social events than spiritual activities. For instance, watching movies or social media for many hours.

2. Procrastinating your prayer time.

3. Always too tired to read your Bible daily.

4. Giving excuses for not participating in evangelism.

5. Spiritual laziness takes place when you are gluttonous and sleep too much.

6. When Christian life becomes boring to you.

7. You don’t have the zeal to fellowship in the presence of the LORD.

10 Dangers of Spiritual Slothfulness

1. Disconnect you from the presence of the LORD.

2. Spiritual laziness makes it easy for the devil to oppress you.

3. Such soul is running far away from the path to Heaven.

4. It would be difficult to be successful in life.

5. Spiritual slothfulness would make a Christian to become self-righteous.

6. It is the main cause of a retarded spiritual growth!

7. Lukewarmness

8. Backsliding

9. Difficult deliverance from the bondage of spiritual procrastination.

10. Spiritual laziness can make you slave to sin forever!

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Laziness

1. Make friends with genuine children of GOD.

2. Change your orientation from the false teaching of “eternal security”.

3. Take away distractions such as movies, social media, etc

4. Rekindle your First Love for GOD and keep the ‘fire’ burning!

5. Set alarm on your reminder devices for daily spiritual activities such as prayer time, worship moment, bible studies, online evangelism etc

6. No boring moment in Christian lifestyle, so always listen to inspirational gospel music.

7. Sitting down in a building for hours every Sunday might make you lazy, thus exercise your body by going for evangelism always.

8. You can overcome spiritual laziness by setting your mind to always become conscious of God’s presence by your side.

9. Be faithful to the LORD and not to the things of this world.

10. Make your spiritual gifts useful in the lives of people around you.

Many Christians on their spiritual race may get weary and if care is not taken the spiritual laziness can take the course.

“But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.””

If you are going through unwanted situation of spiritual coldness then follow the solutions above and you would be energetic for God’s purpose for your life.