God’s Desire: 7 Steps to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

God’s Desire: 7 Steps to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

Not knowing God’s desire for one’s life may look like a pilot in the air without a clear signal from the tower control team.

The knowledge of God’s desire for your life would help you achieve great targets and it avoids wasting of precious time. Today’s message highlights the simple steps to take to know God’s will for your life every day.

7 Powerful Steps to Know God’s desire for Your Life

1. Do a thorough Reconciliation with the LORD

You won’t get a clear signal from the LORD if your life has one or two active sins around. Shed all the sinful weight through the Blood of Jesus and you would understand God’s desire.

2. Readiness to Release Your Desires

From my experience with the LORD, His wonderful will for me is not always the same design with my personal desires. If you want to understand God’s plan then drop your personal wishes.

3. Build Relationship with the LORD

Fall in love with the commandments of God given through Jesus Christ. Don’t consider God to be a faraway Giver or a Sunday service Coordinator. Love Him every day with all your heart and you would know God’s will for you.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him,” ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:36-37)

4. Faithful Prayers Reveals God’s Will

List your requests before the LORD and ask for His direction. Do this with a heart full of faith and in an environment free of distraction. You may not hear from the LORD if your heart is full of bias.

5. Biblical Meditation is a Top Secret

The word of GOD in the Bible is perfect for all circumstances in life. Read and digest in a quiet atmosphere. The Holy Spirit in you would minister God’s desire related to the issue you are going through.

6. Have zero tolerance for Disobedience

GOD does not reveal His plan to a child that loves disobedience. Obey His will today and He reveals another plan to you tomorrow. The LORD can reveal the future to you if you are a trusted and obedient child.

7. Wait Patiently

GOD is neither a robot nor a magician but He is Sovereign. If you follow the steps above and no instant response, then wait patiently with a trustful heart because He might want to test your sincerity. The LORD would surely respond!

The knowledge of God’s desire for your life can be discovered through obedience, holiness and patience. Stay calm in the LORD and don’t be distracted by the false prophet around you. God Bless you.