Drug abuse is a wrong use of legal or illegal substances. Many Christian youths are exposed to the deceit that drug abuse can make them feel good, ease stress, or avoid reality of challenge. But how helpful is drug abuse?
Today’s message reveals the extent of drug abuse and how the Christian youths can survive the menace.
According to the latest World Drug Report, the non-medical use of drugs is becoming a major threat to public health and law enforcement worldwide with opioids causing the most harm and accounting for 76 per cent of deaths.
The number of people worldwide using drugs at least once a year remained stable in 2016 with around 275 million people, or roughly 5.6 per cent of the global population aged 15-64 years.
Looking at vulnerabilities of various age groups, the report finds that drug use and the associated harm are the highest among young people compared to older people.
The story below freezes my heart:
“Sam Motsay had lots of talent and big plans. A 16-year old honors student in Center Grove, Indiana, he also loved being an athlete and playing tenor sax in his school band. He was really into hiking, fishing, hunting, and gaming. He planned to study finance in college.
One day in May 2014, Sam and a couple of his friends tried what they thought was LSD or acid. Sam went to bed later that evening, and the next morning he didn’t wake up. He didn’t know he had actually taken a synthetic drug called n-bomb (also known as “Smiles”). The drug killed him.”
10 Effects of Drug Abuse to the Christian Youths
Drug abuse affects the body and mind of the user. This leads to the departure of the Holy Spirit in the life of such Christian. Once the presence of God is out of the drug abuser, the demonic spirit will take over and torment such person to death.
First Corinthians chapter 6 verses 20: “For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
The following effects cannot be over emphasized in the life of any Christian youths that gives-in to drug abuse:
1. Chest and lung pains are common among youths involved in drug abuse.
2. They suffer nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain.
3. Drug abuse leads to impotence.
4. Diseases such as; AIDS, hepatitis B or C spread fast due to needle-sharing.
5. Sicknesses, blackouts and hangovers occur frequently.
6. Youths involved in drug abuse are always selfish, hopeless and aggressive.
7. The drug addicts suffer abnormalities related to; heartbeat, respiration and blood pressure.
8. They suffer loneliness and loss their mind more often.
9. Drug abuse steals the joy of the youths involved in this act.
10. Drug abuse hurts your sense of fruitfulness, judgment, decision making, memory and ability to learn.
10 Ways to Overcome Drug Abuse
1. Acknowledge the truth that drug abuse can ruin your life.
2. Confess your sins and accept Jesus into your life with all your heart.
3. Drop all your friends that lure you into drug abuse. And delete the contacts of the drug dealers.
4. You need helpful people around you. So, don’t be far away from your godly friends, Pastor and the Therapist.
5. Be patient in the process of your recovery from drug abuse. Don’t give-up on God if there was no instant miracle.
6. Build your faith by reading many chapters of the Bible every day.
7. Frequent Prayers to the Lord will sustain your freedom from drug abuse.
8. When the evil thought comes, always keep your heart busy with the word of God and inspirational gospel songs. Don’t order for the wraps, but go to the groceries!
9. The more you share your testimony to people, the lesser the chance to relapse.
10. Promise yourself every day to be a good ambassador of Jesus Christ and a positive Influence to the youths around you.
Drug abuse is destructive and deadly. Christian youths must stand against this habit despite its social acceptance in the society. You can be saved from any form of drug abuse if you acknowledge the truth that drug abuse can destroy your precious life.